
32wk belly picture! 3/24

While I'm still horrible and haven't found time to take pictures of the van, I just took a new belly picture. :o) For all of you who aren't taking advantage of the photo album link, I'll try to figure out a way to add the picture here. There we are! Peanut and Mommy!


sticky bubble gum! 3/21

Well, we had our first ever gum-in-hair experience last night!!
Apparently gum somehow made its way into Ruthie's hair while we were at our friends' house. It was stuck in there really good! :P I had heard on tv to use peanut butter, so, at 10pm, I started in on the gum. The peanut butter did work after all, though was really gross to squish around, and we lost minimal hair. The worst part of all was that we then had to bathe Ruth and wash her hair-twice! The poor kid didn't make it to bed until after 11pm!! She was definitely tired out by then.
That's about all that's been happening. We've been busy helping our friends pack up things to move so I haven't gotten a chance to get pics of the van yet, but I will when things settle down a bit.
I never realized how much harder moving is with kids involved. Sure, it's sad for us to move, but at least we can understand what's happening and (for the most part, lol) why. Ruthie is pretty sad about losing her best friend (her favorite friend, she says). I've told her that she'll be able to write and send pictures and stickers, so hopefully that will be enough to make things okay.
Oh, one more thing! Ruthie is signed up for soccer this spring!! She's so excited to play, and super impatient for spring to come. Some days she's pessimistic and feels spring will never come, lol! Hopefully she'll be on the same team as Jeff, her friend and our friends' son. Either way, she'll have a blast playing, I'm sure.


30wk prenatal 3/16

We had our 30 wk prenatal appt on Tues (the 14th). Everything is looking good with baby and mama! My blood pressure is great, my weight is... well, it's fine, that's all I'll say there!! The baby's heartrate was 128 bpm until Zech came over and started talking right next to my belly, then it jumped up to 146 bpm!! I think Peanut knows Zech and Ruthie all ready! I'm measuring 30cm, which is exactly where I should be.
There's still no explanation for my measuring large before, but it's completely stopped and resolved itself now. It's just our own little miracle, we think!! Praise God!!!
Peanut is laying breech right now, though last week at my ultrasound s/he was head down. I guess maybe s/he's a gymnast? :o) We're all hoping s/he'll flip around, there's still plenty of room, and be head down when it's really important to be, and STAY that way!!!
Oh, this reminds me - I need to take another belly pic and get it uploaded. Then you can all see how huge I'm getting! But everybody tells me I'm all belly, so that means all baby. Oh well, I expected to get this big, after Ruthie and Zech, and I'm still not quite as big as I was at this point with them; nearly, but not quite.


We got the van licensed and everything last night. Josh just put the plates on it! Now all that's left is for us to get a couple tether anchors (for the car seats) installed and we're all set! The kids are anxious to start driving the van; they'll be very happy once we move them. When we do, I'll be sure to take some pictures so you all can see the van and how much the kids love it.


the van hunt - 3/11

We have our new van!! Well, it's not nearly really new, but it sure is new to us! :o) It's a '98 Dodge Grand Caravan, definitely enough room for all of us, plus Peanut, and even a couple extra seats for any visitors!
Thank you Mom and Dad Lutz for all your help with this!!!
Ruthie and Zech have given it a complete inspection and deemed it acceptable for them. :o) Zech likes to drive the van - "vroom vroom"!!
Sometime in the next few days we'll get some pictures taken and add them to our photos so we can share our van with all of you! And we'll be sure to get some pics of the kids in there, too, so you can see how excited they are about it.
That's the big news for this weekend! And that's about it for me tonight. I've figured out this blog thing and linked it up, now it's beddy-bye time for mama!

Our first blog posting - 3/11

Well, this is the first post in our new blog. I'm hoping that I can figure out how to make it work and how to get it linked up to our homepage!! Of course, if you're reading this, than I figured it out - yay me!