Well, we had our first ever gum-in-hair experience last night!!
Apparently gum somehow made its way into Ruthie's hair while we were at our friends' house. It was stuck in there really good! :P I had heard on tv to use peanut butter, so, at 10pm, I started in on the gum. The peanut butter did work after all, though was really gross to squish around, and we lost minimal hair. The worst part of all was that we then had to bathe Ruth and wash her hair-twice! The poor kid didn't make it to bed until after 11pm!! She was definitely tired out by then.
That's about all that's been happening. We've been busy helping our friends pack up things to move so I haven't gotten a chance to get pics of the van yet, but I will when things settle down a bit.
I never realized how much harder moving is with kids involved. Sure, it's sad for us to move, but at least we can understand what's happening and (for the most part, lol) why. Ruthie is pretty sad about losing her best friend (her favorite friend, she says). I've told her that she'll be able to write and send pictures and stickers, so hopefully that will be enough to make things okay.
Oh, one more thing! Ruthie is signed up for soccer this spring!! She's
so excited to play, and super impatient for spring to come. Some days she's pessimistic and feels spring will never come, lol! Hopefully she'll be on the same team as Jeff, her friend and our friends' son. Either way, she'll have a blast playing, I'm sure.