Everything is fine with us out here. Ruth and Zech are enjoying some much needed time with Josh, now that student teaching is finished! The kids love having him around more, as I'm sure you all can imagine.
I've been having contractions for nearly 3 weeks now, and even though last Sunday they were 5 mins apart and nice and strong, for over 6 hours, the midwife wouldn't "allow" me to go to the hospital or have any help. So, I've had to take my care into my own hands and contact my OB. I saw him on Thursday (the midwife was NOT pleased that I called him myself, but I don't care anymore!!) and he scheduled us for an induction this coming Thursday, the 18th. That's actually my due date, based on my own dates, though the first ultrasound gave a due date of the 24th, which is what the OB goes by. Anyways, this all means that if baby doesn't decide to come before then, Thursday is officially "Eviction Day"! :o)
We called Mom and Dad Lutz to let them know the news Thursday evening. So, Mom is coming out on Wednesday, and Dad will be coming the next week, on Friday!! We're all very excited to have a visit with Nana... and then Papa! :o)
And that's all our news for now... that I can think of. Hope all is well with you all!