
My hair cut! - 06/27

I finally gave in and got my hair cut. I was trying to grow it long enough to be able to donate it (to Locks of Love) when I got it cut, but it was to the point where it was giving me headaches and making my neck sore. It's just too thick and heavy for me.

So, I just got it cut last night! Here are the before and after pictures!


We are OKAY! - 06/25

Well, I had my first taste of tornadoes on Saturday night! NOT all that much fun, in case anyone was wondering!
A storm rolled in just after suppertime, but we didn't think much of it - storms roll in quite frequently these past couple months out here. Then the hail started and Josh came to check the weather network online. He found out there'd been tornadoes 70km west of us around 8pm. So, we were on the lookout! At 9pm the wind was strong enough to pull the locked front door open, and a few minutes later the power went out. We decided it was about time to head downstairs, so we grabbed the kids and a couple flashlights and came down to lay on the spare bed and just wait. Around 9:35 things died down outside and at 9:50 we decided to get the kids back into bed. Just after 10pm another storm rolled in, but only a good one with thunder and lightening and rain - no tornadoes.
The first storm, though, brought with it the 2 tornadoes from the west. They both struck just south of our house, about 5 minutes down the road. Had we been outside in the back yard, we could have watched them go by.
Noone was hurt, a couple houses were hit, but no major damage to them. The worst damages were to sheds, silos, trees, and power lines. We drove down yesterday, to just drive around and see what happened. I've never seen the aftermath of anything except forest fires before - let me tell you, this sure left me thankful those hand't hit our house.
That was definitely the big news of the weekend for us! Our power was knocked out for about 12 hours, another 1.5 hours or so until we got water back, but we're fine and the groceries were all saved.
Saturday morning the kids had their last swim lessons for the summer. They both passed their levels, so will be "moving up" in the fall. Zech will need one more time accompanied (Josh or I) and then he'll be on his own. *sigh* Just in time for Isaac to start! :o) Zech is doing so great. I know I've said that many times before, but it's so true. This is the same little boy who would scream and shake just to see a swimming pool. On Saturday he was sliding into the pool, bobbing up, and swimming to the side again "all by myself!" (with a noodle, but still). He's so proud of himself. Considering they both had such a good time, and we think swim lessons are important, I'm pretty sure we'll continue them next year. I think we'll do the fall and spring sessions, leaving winter off. Kinda unpredictable weather in the winter, plus it's just REALLY cold!
This is Josh's very last week of work before summer break! It's dragging on and on, I know because it's the end. He has no students now, though, so he's using this week to do a ton of prep work for next year. That will save him a lot of hassle this summer, especially where we'll be gone for 3 weeks.
Speaking of that, we are excited to be coming home! The kids are very happy to be going to Nana and Papa's and want to go fishing in the boat. :o) There's a ton of things we still need to figure out and make calls about, but I know it will all be worth it when we're landed and done. Next year, though, we hope to be able to camp our way for visiting, which would take longer, sure, but be much less stressful in the long run, I think.
And I think that's about it!


quick hello - 06/14

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!!!

We've been busy this past weekend. Saturday was the normal swimming lessons and grocery shopping. The kids are doing so well in swim lessons, it's great to see! Zech was even holding on to the wide of the pool and dunking himself under water, over and over. He thought it was funny to go down and stand on the bottom of the pool!! This is just amazing from the little boy who shook and cried at the sight of a pool before. :o)
We went to the fair on Sunday, with Jen and Paul and their kids. Lots of fun!!
I'm uploading some more pictures and a couple more videos right now! Check them out, and enjoy!!


pictures and videos! - 06/06

New pictures and a few videos are uploaded! Enjoy!