
sick kids - 11/23

Yet again, we have sick kids.
We've all had ongoing colds since the end of September. A couple days ago Isaac started getting really whiny and clingy. Yesterday I went in to MOTS in the morning and he was miserable, and so hot. So, after a quick lunch, I dropped the older 2 off at Jill and Reg's house and took Isaac to the walk-in.
Yup, ear infection in both ears. And his temp in the office was 39.9 (under arm). HOT. So he's got antibiotics and we're giving him Advil and Tylenol, alternately, every 3 hours to keep the pain and fever down. Definitely seems to be helping him - he's up and playing around and he ate a bit for supper last night and a little bit at breakfast this morning.
Unfortunately, I think Zech is in the same boat as Isaac. He's not feeling well at all, and has a fever (temp was 38.3 underarm last night). I'm giving him Advil and Tylenol, the same as Isaac, though it doesn't seem to being doing much yet. If this continues, he'll have to miss his swim lesson tomorrow (I don't really want any water in his ears right now, if they're infected, and besides that, I don't think he'd be up for it anyways) and we'll take him to the walk-in, too.
On the bright side, I went to the new walk-in in town. The Dr was really nice, good with Isaac, even with his ear-piercing screaming, and I'm going to see about transferring us all to him. At the very least, even if we have to go to the walk-in there, we'd see one of only 5 or 6 Drs, instead of any one of the 50 we see now.
I think that's about it for now. Ruthie did wake up warm this morning, so we'll be keeping an eye on her as well.
Apparently ear infections are contagious here?!



I just uploaded a couple pictures of the damage to the van, and a picture of the dead tree in our back yard - it blew over from the wind sometime Sunday night!



We had Ruthie's birthday party yesterday. I overheard her talking to herself (maybe her toys) in her room saying "That was the best day ever!", so I think it's safe to assume she had a good day. Her birthday cake worked out, though I was worried for a time, but she was happy with it and that's what matters.
I'm uploading pictures of the party yesterday, and a few pictures from Friday (her actual birthday) of cupcakes and gifts that night.
I think one of the best parts of this all is that now I'm done with birthdays for a good while! They're fun, but 3 in just over 3 weeks is a lot to handle, especially with Halloween thrown in there! Now on to Christmas!!
I should mention, too, last week while on my way into town for MOTS, I hit a deer. Well, a combination of me driving and it running into the side of the van. Anyways, we're dealing with insurance and they want to write it off - not an option for us. There is a buy out option, but we need to figure out if we'd get enough through that to get the van back on the road. Silly, because it's driving and working totally fine - just the same as always, after a wheel alignment. But because it's older and not in mint condition, better they write it off than fix it... apparently. We'll see how it all goes. We need to go in next Monday for another estimate. I think Josh is going to take a personal day and take the van in to deal with the guys there. The guy who did the estimate when I took it in definitely didn't do a good job. He told me first thing it would be a write off and then stood by the wall, talking to a cop (there for an estimate himself) and did the whole estimate from there. Doesn't really make sense to me. Anyways, we're going to go in and, at the very least, let them know how this guy treated me and the kids. I really don't care if I am a young girl, with a whole van load of kids, I still deserve respect and to be treated fairly.


Happy Birthday, Ruthie! 11/09

SO hard to believe it, but it's Ruthie's 5th birthday today! 5 years old!!



We had a good time on Halloween - went to our friends' house for trick-or-treating, Myles came along. The kids had a lot of fun and gots lots of candy - even Isaac!
Jen and Paul live in a trailer court, and so we were going from trailer to trailer, of course - lots of candy and not tons of walking for the kids! Zech said, at the end, "I loved going to the summer houses and getting candy!".
Took us a few minutes, but we realized he was remembering visiting Mom and Dad in NS and staying at their "summer house" - the trailer!
I just got the pictures up on the site - Ruth was Belle, Zech was Superman, and Isaac wore my bunny costume (all the kids have worn it thus far!).