Time for a huge update, I suppose! These are some of the pictures off the site - there are many more, and some videos over there!
On Christmas Eve, as much as we would like to go to a church service, we don't. It would just be too much work, too much time wasted, getting ready and in to town, to church, then getting home again. Lots of rushing, and by the time we got home it would be late and the kids would be grumpy and tired. Not much fun.
So, instead, we make lots of yummy finger foods, put a quilt on the floor and let the kids have a "picnic" in the living room while watching Christmas shows, and just be home together. We eat and play and just have fun.
Right before bedtime, the kids each get to open one present - Christmas jammies and, this year, a new book. The older 2 noticed these presents as soon as they were wrapped and under the tree, and started asking about opening them around, oh about 3 in the afternoon! By 5pm, they were both saying "Is it bedtime yet? Please, can we get ready for bed? I'm very tired now!" But, we held them off until nearing 8pm.
A few pictures from Christmas Eve:
Zech opens his present

Isaac opens his present

Ruthie opens her present - she was very happy there was a hair scrunchie with her new nightie!

Isaac gets his shirt stuck on his head while getting changed

All the kids in their christmas jammies!

Christmas morning, Zech was up first, at 7am, his normal wake up time. He came right in to wake us up wanting to open his stocking and presents. Ruth and Isaac didn't stay in bed very long after Zech was up, so we started.
The kids had 'santa' presents and their stockings. We opened those, took a break for breakfast, then opened the rest of our gifts - the kids got lots, as usual.
The rest of the day was spent at home, just playing and relaxing.
I roasted a chicken (the house smelled very yummy all day!) and we had a big Christmas dinner - chicken, dressing, cranberry sauce (jam, Isaac says), and vegetables. Yum!
A few pictures from Christmas:
All of us opening stocking stuff.

Ruthie playing with her 'santa' present - a horse and stable, matches her doll house.

Isaac playing with his 'santa' present - a diego and dinosaur toy.

Zech playing with his 'santa' present - an ambulance!

There's a really cute video of Zech playing with his ambulance and making up a song about it.
For New Year's Eve our friends and their kids came over. We had yummy treat foods for supper, exchanged christmas presents, the kids played Wii for a couple hours (with minimal help from us!), we were able to play a couple board games (wow!), and we celebrated the "new year" at 11pm.
Unfortunately, Jen and Paul had to go to a funeral 8 hours away the next day, so they weren't able to stay overnight. But we still had a lot of fun with them celebrating New Year's!
Now we're working on getting back into things. Having a break is nice, I enjoyed it, but the kids were out of sorts being off their "schedule" for so long, I think.
School started on the 5th for Ruth and Josh. They all had dance class that night, too. Zech started nursery school on the 6th.
These pictures are from the 9th (I think?). I put on a music station on the tv and the kids danced for a long time!
Isaac dancing.

Zech and Ruth dancing like Bean. Isaac joined in, too.

Ruthie dancing.

Ruth and Zech wagging their tails.

Ruth and Zech - I like this picture.

In case someone notices - Zech got hit in the face with a car at nursery school on Wed (7th). It actually was an accident, which is good - he walked in front of other boys driving cars off a jump. Wrong place, wrong time kind of thing.
Back in November, our poor little loveseat started dying - it had a hole in one cushion, gradually growing from little fingers pulling at it. Then the other cushion got a big hole worn in it, then another. We decided to go on a furniture hunt after Christmas, hoping to see a boxing day sale or something.
We found 3 pieces, ones we really liked, and got a good deal on them.
This is our new couch:

our new loveseat:

our new chair:

All very comfy and we really like them! Oh, we ended up taking the feet off the loveseat because it was way too tall for us - well, me anyways. I couldn't touch the floor when I sat on it! The chair still has it's feet, it's okay like that for some reason.
And, that's about it until now. Oh yeah, the kids started skating lessons last Thursday. We found Isaac some skates on the weekend and he joined in on Tuesday. I took some videos of the 3 of them skating - they're over on the other site. I can't believe the different in Ruthie's skating, and Zech's doing incredible for only his 2nd time ever on skates (in the videos). Isaac... well, he's trying. That's all we ask!