
Happy Easter! - 04/05

Happy Easter everyone!!!
The Easter Bunny visited us yesterday morning - the boys got a few little cars, Ruthie got a "ken" doll, and they all got coloring books. Then they were off for the egg hunt - Easter Bunny was smart this year and only did 6 eggs each!

And, I'm in the works of getting the (long overdue) pictures online. I can't get the videos up yet... but Josh is going to work on getting that figured out tonight.
For now, there are new pics up from Dec 17 on until now (well, the end of Feb... we really should bring the camera out more often!).


Happy April Fool's Day - 04/01

I can't believe it's April all ready. The kids (and Josh) are on spring break this week - we went to Winnipeg on Tuesday and spent the afternoon/evening yesterday at the winter fair in Brandon. The kids always like going to see the animals. They had been saving up a bit of their money and were each able to buy something from the exhibit booths that they picked out.

Still working on the pictures and videos. Hopefully I can get time to do all of that today or tomorrow.