Levi is 6 weeks old now. He's a great little guy, smiling and "talking" lots to all of us!
I've gotten a few more new pictures up on the other site, along with all these pictures I've posted on here these past 6 weeks. And a video from the other day of Levi, as well. I did try to get some on here, but my computer is not "playing nice" right now... maybe tomorrow it will cooperate.
Josh's parents left last Wednesday for BC - we've missed them greatly. It was wonderful to have them here with us for such a long (and very good) visit. We loved having them here, they helped us out a whole bunch, and the kids (of course) loved having all that extra-special attention. Before they left, Josh and his dad got the bunk beds put up for Zech and Isaac. They've been really happy to have their "new" beds and most nights bedtime is going well. (picture of the beds up on the other site)
I finally got a chance to get Zech's and Josh's head shaved on Sunday - their hair was getting long, and they were feeling the heat! So, off it came.
Isaac has always been... or at least seemed scared of the clippers and having his head shaved, so we've not done it in a couple years - instead we've let his hair grow and get it cut every once in a while. But he loved his brother and Dad's hair, calling them "half bald", and asked if he could be "half bald" too. I gave him some time to really think about it, and told him if his hair was bothering him in his eyes (it was getting long in the front) I could cut the front for him.
Yesterday morning he woke up and asked almost right away if I could make him half bald that day. He asked a few more times through the morning, very sure he wanted it done, so we went out and shaved his hair all off.
He did well - it was much harder on me than on him! And he loves his hair like this - keeps rubbing his head! I'm not sure if he'll keep it up, but for now he's "half bald" and liking it. I would be fine with him growing his hair out again, as he doesn't really look like himself with a shaved head!
(picture of him on the other site)
I will try again to add the pictures tomorrow!