No new pictures, sorry. I have been dealing with mastitis this week, taking antibiotics to get rid of the infection and trying to get back to feeling like normal. I'm getting there. I hate mastitis, as I'm sure anyone who has had it does, but at least I'm getting good at diagnosing myself now. I've had it at least twice with each kid, 3 times with one of them - though I can't remember which one. So I'm sure that I've got another dose coming at some point in time in the next year or so!
I did (finally) get around to making Levi's birth announcement card, getting pictures printed, and I have most in addressed envelopes and ready to go. Only 2 months after his birthday! Ah well, it's been a busy summer.
On Saturday we slept in a bit then once we were up we decided to pack up and head to the water slides in SK. So, off we went. At first we were thinking it was a big mistake - Ruthie was fine going on the slides alone, Zech would only go on the little kid slides, and Isaac wouldn't go on anything. After a couple hours (including Josh flying down the slides with both boys, dunking them under in the landing pool and terrifying them!) we were able to get Zech going on the big slides alone, running up the hill with Ruthie. Isaac went on a big slide with me (slowly, no dunking!) and then started going on the 3 little kid slides.
We all went on the lazy river in a couple double tubes - I laid in one side, Levi laid on me and napped, Josh laid in the other side and Isaac sat in the middle. Ruth and Zech came along in another double tube behind us.
All in all, a good day had by all of us. I would love to go there again sometime with the Neufelds - I know the kids would have an absolute blast all together there!