It was Zech's 6th birthday on Saturday the 16th. He had his birthday party that afternoon!
We planned a treasure hunt with clues...
The first clue we gave to Zech in an envelope...
Clue #1
"Today is your birthday
And this is not news.
What will we find
If we search for clues?"
We gave the kids the hint that the clue was hidden downstairs.
Down they all ran to start the search!

Can you find the clue?
I'll give you a hint...

It's in the rocket!
Clue #2
"I block the sun
and you can climb me for fun."

They found it up in the tree!
(and reminding you all that Josh had to hide all these clues... so he was up there earlier that morning - no pictures of that, though!)
Clue #3
"London ______ is falling down."

Stuck up underneath the bottom of the bridge!
Clue #4
"Where do you have a ball
with backboards and baskets?"

To interject.
Isaac was so excited to get started on the hunt...
he didn't stop to put on shoes!
One of the other kids pointed this out at the bridge.
We didn't bother sending him home, so he did the hunt wearing only socks.

Back to the hunt,
on to the basketball court at the school

Clue #5
"You need to swing like a monkey
to get across these."

(I'm sure they've all done this before, right?!)
Clue #6
"If you are expecting a letter from Grandma,
you might look for it here."
This clue led them to our mail box at the post office.
Birthday cards from Grandma and Grandpa
and Nana and Papa were in there...
along with a map.
'x' marked the spot!

Clue #7
"Some are straight, others curvy.
Some make you go topsy turvy.
No matter the type, it's always a ride.
Let's go on the slippery _____."

Clue #8
"This is where you can play in the sand
when you're not at the beach."
And they found the last clue in the sandbox
(the turtle in that picture)

Clue #9
"You found them fast!
It did not last.
Now time we will take,
Your prize to make."
With each new clue the kids got a little baggie with lego pieces in it,
the instructions with the last clue.
Everyone went inside and sat down to build their prize!

Next we had Lego cake!

Then downstairs to open presents

This might be the best present picture -
Zech got a Nerf gun from his friend.
He is ecstatic.
Mom - not so much!

And that was the party!
A few parents arrived before we even finished opening presents -
good thing we'd planned 1-4 and not the 2-4 we'd first thought of!
The hunt took an hour, but I think the kids all enjoyed it.
Most importantly, Zech had a really great day.
Happy Birthday, Little Man.