The appointment went very well - no abnormalities were found, the cardiologist said it sounds like she has benign fainting (there is a medical term for it... I don't remember it). We just need to keep salt in her diet, a litre of water/fluids or gatorade each day. Apparently this usually shows in teens, but has in a few younger children. They have all grown out of it, basically when they're all done growing - so this is something we'll have to do until she's about 17. While there is medication available for it, it's much better to manage it with diet. If that doesn't seem to be working, then we'll try other options.
Levi went swimming for the first time at the hotel! He really liked it, splashing and kicking. He loved the kiddie pool, being able to pull up standing along the sides! There's a video on the other site, of all the kids in the pool.