
a few pictures to tide you over - 06/28

Not of Levi's birthday. Sorry. They are coming. But a few of Levi anyways.
He is such a monkey. We've never had a climber kid like him. Never. Often he's found here...
Tonight he even started running from end to end on the table. Heart attack?! We always assumed Isaac was going to be the first kid to break something, but I'm beginning to think Levi will beat him.

Levi and Zech are such great buddies. Levi likes Ruth and Isaac, too - even says "Isaac" a lot... usually yelling for him when he leaves the room. But Zech and him just have something special. Love it.

As Josh and I were preparing dinner tonight, I was starting to set the table. We heard Levi playing with something by the table, didn't really think anything of it for a few minutes, until I walked around the corner to see this...
That would be lettuce. The lettuce for part of our supper. On the floor. Lovely.
Thank you for the help, Levi!


nearly there - 06/27

-there being summer vacation!
The kids (and hopefully Josh) have just 3 days left of school, including today. I cannot believe that we're at the end of another school year all ready! Time just flies by when you have kids, I swear.
I know there are people anxiously awaiting pictures of Levi's birthday and cake (me included there!) and I will bug Josh to get them ready for me this week. He's been very busy the past couple weeks with getting exams prepared for his kids, getting everything marked and whatnot for the end of the year, and then with his school's grad last Friday. Thus, no pictures yet. But they're coming. Promise!
Speaking of last Friday, it was our school's awards night for the kids. Unfortunately, Josh had to be at his own school's grad so he wasn't able to come with us this year. First time I think. But I got us all ready and we went down for supper and the awards. Ruth and Zech both got a book, and Isaac got to go up on stage to get a certificate welcoming him to Minto School. He was so brave - went right up, no hesitation, shook the teacher's hand and collected his certificate. She had given him the school supply list as well and he spent the next 10 minutes "reading" his list, telling me we should go "tomorrow" and get lots of pencils for him. He's so excited for kindergarten, and we're so excited for him! After the awards were all given the kids got to watch their school video. We made it home about 9:30pm - surprisingly Levi did really well the whole evening. Sat in a chair to eat, hardly made a peep the whole night (besides waving and saying "hello!" to the people behind us during supper, and crying once when he stubbed his foot on a step), and just toddled around watching all the people, coming back to me every few minutes. He does have his moments, like all kids, but he is really an easy little guy.

As for our summer plans, we don't have too many. We'd like to get out camping a few times - like to Winnipeg for a few days to go to the zoo and museum, and the kids have been talking for months about going to the waterslides again! But with the weather this spring/summer so far, it'll be hit-or-miss for going. Fortunately we can pack up and go at any time with Josh off for the summer - how I love him having the same times off as the kids, honestly - so when we get a good stretch of 2 or 3 days of sun/warmth (which would actually be a good stretch this year, how depressing) we can just grab clothes and go.
I plan to get the camper set up, cleaned out, and packed with everything I can pack beforehand (dishes, pots, etc) so it can be ready for us to throw our clothes and pillows in to take off. I think it should save us that extra day or half day of doing that when the weather is right to take off. That's the hope anyways.
I can't wait to take the kids camping! Levi loves being outdoors, toddling everywhere and investigating everything, and absolutely loves water. And all the kids are excited to go.
Josh's mom and dad will be coming out later in July for a visit as well. Josh's cousin is getting married and they're coming out for the wedding, but are planning to stay for a couple weeks, I believe (hope so!). The kids are excited for Grandma and Grandpa to come, too. And they keep asking when Nana and Papa are coming again (nudge, nudge)!!
All in all, not terribly huge plans for our summer - not like the trip to Niagra that we'd hoped for, maybe next year - but I think we'll have fun.

AND - big congratulations to Zech! Yesterday he did his karate testing - he had to attend an extra technical upgrade class and do his testing. He was nervous but did so so well! He earned his stripe!! (on his white belt, the "step" between white and yellow belts)
We are so proud of him!



as promised! - 06/09

Pictures (and dates to videos!) as promised!

April 27th
Ruth in costume, on set, at the school play

May 19th - Happy 5th Birthday, Isaac!
Cupcakes after a supper of his choice - spaghetti and garlic bread!
Levi really enjoyed the cupcakes... really.
after a brief dip in the tub for Levi (why? see above!)
it was present time!
Happy Birthday, Bub.

May 27th
Just Levi being a monkey.
Note the bike there:
he pushed it to the table and used it to climb up!

May 28th - Isaac's Birthday Party!
Isaac had 4 of his school friends come over, we had a treasure hunt!
Due to the weather (thunder storms) we had it indoors - and it went so well!
Because the kids can't read we did picture clues this time. The photos were a close up of each thing and they had to find what it was - we were very surprised at how quickly they figured them out!!

Clue #1 - rocket
Clue #2 - bunk bed ladder in the boys' room

Clue #3 - toy cash register
Clue #4 - Lego table
Clue #5 - Isaac's castle
Clue #6 - board games

Clue #7 - bathroom step stool
Clue #8 - chair
Clue #9 - the piano
Clue #10 - Levi's crib
Clue #11 - microwave cupboard
Clue #12 - flowers on the deck
And there they found the treasure - a playmobil knight or fairy for everyone!

They had time to play with their toys, then it was cake time!

Isaac looks so nervous in these pictures. He had so much fun at his party, but we think he was overwhelmed the whole day.
blowing out the candles
opening presents

May 31st - Isaac's Nursery School Graduation!
Josh was able to catch Isaac as they came (quickly!) in
looking for us... and playing with that hat elastic. He did that a lot.
See? I told you.
Time for a poem and song!
Isaac and his teacher
And some wonderful shots that Josh got afterwards!
this might be my favorite...

June 4th
Zech, Levi, and a magnifying glass

June 5th - just Levi
playing with Lego

see that puppy at his feet?
he saw it at the mall. said "Oooo" (he makes a growl/howl sound for a dog sound, if you know our dog you understand why). when Josh held the dog out to him, Levi grabbed it and hugged it, patting its head, and wouldn't let go.
we came home with the dog.

playing with blocks

And videos...
June 5th - not a special one, but cute all the same, of Levi.
June 8th - Levi WALKING!