The kids are very excited today - only one more sleep! We've got a lazy day planned, sitting around playing and watching Christmas shows. Tonight we'll have lots of "finger foods", and we'll picnic in the living room! The hardest part is waiting for the yummy foods and treats!
We have had a very busy week leading up to break:
(not this week, but just levi - always blurry - he never stays still!)

The Saturday before last the kids stayed with Grandma and Grandpa while we did a big grocery shopping trip. They had more fun than us - they went skating at the oval in town!
Isaac & Levi

Zech & Levi




Gwumpa (Grandpa) & Levi building a fire

Tuesday was the first day for skating lessons in town, and we had to work the canteen. Josh had an appt in town and Zech had karate, so they went there - but that left me working the canteen alone and still having to watch Levi, Ruth, and Isaac at the rink!
Wednesday evening was the colony concert. We were all invited to join Josh there, and Josh played his guitar for 2 songs with the choir.
Thursday was our concert here in town - the kids did great! They all knew all their lines and words to songs, and just did a great job. Among everything else they did, Ruth had wanted a choir this year and the music teacher agreed to lead one if someone organized it. So, Ruthie made a sign-up list and organized practices. Though a lot of kids signed up, when they realized they would have to practise at lunchtime once a week a lot dropped out... leaving only Ruth and one other boy! Then the music teacher was sick and missed a bunch of days in the last couple weeks of school, and they weren't sure they'd be able to sing at all at the concert. But they showed the principal they were ready, practising even with the teacher not there, and so they were allowed to sing their 2 songs! They did a wonderful job - and I've heard that Ruthie may be asked to sing "Oh Canada" at the Ice Show (for skating) this year!
Then Friday was, of course, the last day of school and thus everyone's Christmas parties! They all had a good day, lots of fun with their friends and classmates. Friday evening we had been invited to our friend's work party, so Grandma and Grandpa came to stay with the kids and we were able to go for a lovely dinner and dessert buffet, and watch a magic show! Nice to have a night out, just us!
Saturday we worked the rink canteen again for public skating in the afternoon, and Isaac lost his first tooth!

and "take a picture of me too Mom!"

oh. and then Levi got my camera. again.

Sunday was church and a few errands.
Now we're home... and not going anywhere for at least a few days!
(There are MANY videos to come from the concerts! I'll post those in another one, though!)