Anyone have their fingers crossed for spring?
Umm... I don't think it's working. Maybe cross them tighter... or something.
It started storming Sunday afternoon/evening, continued through Monday and the night. Tuesday it was done storming, but it looked like this. For the record, this was
after Josh spent 2 hours on Monday shovelling and clearing the driveway.

Then we had the co-op guys come and shove back the banks on either side of the driveway so that we can get in and out, and so we have room to push more snow if it comes. The kids were happy!
Zech & Isaac

Zech & Levi

Levi, Ruth & Isaac

Levi - he loves playing in the snow!

Levi & Ruth


on top of the snowbank they're up to the top of the van!

Myles wouldn't stay inside with the kids outside, but he had a little trouble with the deep snow!

Levi came in, looking like this - one sock, one mitten, and a hat full of snow pulled down over his eyes!

So, that was the start to our week - 2 snow days from school! (and our kids have a PD day on Friday, so only a 2 day week!) I hope it's true about March - in like a lion, out like a lamb!