We spent the long weekend of August at Family Camp, at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp. We all had a ton of fun! The kids love running around with all the other kids, and it's really wonderful to be able to enjoy time together as a family, lots of different activities, and not have to worry about what's for the next meal!!

The kids all loved this game!

Piper spent many hours (literally!) on the swings - she looked so little!

And she spent time napping outside, too

The kids, once again, braved the zip line! Even Levi was very brave and went down this year!!! (I know that Zech did the zip line, too, but I managed to miss it and didn't get any photos of him!)


Brave Levi!

coming back up the road - he was so proud!

and he went again the next day - had even more fun!

They got to do some horseback riding, too




even Piper sat on a horse for a few minutes!

Levi tried out some archery

And some wall climbing!


Zech made a new friend, and his friend's dad taught him how to kayak! Josh took the younger boys for a canoe ride, so they were all out on the lake together.

We are so lucky to have learned about family camp - we all have a great weekend together!