

We've been busy just with school and work and activities. Nothing major, just normal every day stuff. But I still have taken a few photos around the house.
1st pigtail!

she's not near as sad as she looks

she loves Levi's little chair!

and loves books (fits right in, in our family!)

"devour literature? i can do that!"

Levi being a good big brother


the next great hockey star!!!

We're working on getting Levi skating this year. He's really not that interested, but living out here, especially in our town and school, the kids need to know how to skate. In skating lessons he won't go without a pusher. But put him out there with Daddy, the boys, and a hockey stick and look at this!
His 1st goal!! Go Levi!!
(this was about a month ago - he's skating even better now, making it all the way down the rink by himself!)


family fun!

This past week, Josh's younger brother was in town visiting. His fiance joined him on the weekend as well. We've had a wonderful time visiting with them! The kids love Uncle Mat, and their new-almost-auntie! They had so much fun playing and being silly, building legos and dancing together!
Thanks for the awesome visit, you guys. We're sure going to miss you!
Pea & Uncle Mat

Levi & Uncle Mat

Pea & Aunt Tiffany

all the kids with Uncle Mat & Aunt Tiffany


Piper Ann ❤ 10 months

Sweet Pea was 10 months old on the 13th. She waited exactly one day more to walk! I was so hoping for another laid-back, takes-her-sweet-time, baby... but nope. Definitely not with Piper! The only thing she's taking her time with is getting teeth!
She's saying mama and dada more now, says Isaac, Zech, and tries for Levi. She obviously is standing well on her own, and starting to really test her balance, bending over to pick things up and standing back up! She goes everywhere and gets into everything, and the other day even tried to blame Isaac for making the mess she made!


NEVER sits still!!!


Look how she's grown!
8 days old

2 months

4 months

7 months

9 months

10 months


Happy "Balentime's" Day!

from Daddy's sweet heart!
And that little stinker decided to celebrate valentine's day in her own way this year - by walking!

Just 10 months old and walking?!! She may be our smallest baby, but she's not letting that hold her back! Watch out world!!


2 years...

2 years ago today we said "hello" and "goodbye" all too soon to our baby girl, Elliana Lucy.
Today we have pink tulips to remember her, and we'll light her candle and have cupcakes for dessert tonight.

This year, this week leading up to her birthday has been harder than last year. I don't know why, exactly.
It doesn't get easier, living without her, missing her. It changes, but it's not easier, just different.


phone pics ~ dec & jan

~December 2013~


Levi with Santa at the Christmas Concert!

~January 2014~

Pea & daddy

and a blurry Levi at gymnastics

And a bonus video of Piper jumping and bouncing at Grandma and Grandpa's house! She sure loves that thing!!