
Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas! Hope all our friends and family did as well!

Christmas Eve jammies!

after Santa's visit

opening stockings

Santa gifts

(he was excited - note the hands!)

Such a busy day, we didn't take many photos, just enjoyed being together!


Christmas photos!

We managed to get Christmas photos of the kids done last weekend - then found out, when we went to the store to have them developed for cards, that the wait time is ridiculous... so cards will be late this year (again, I'm sure!). Maybe New Year's cards is a better idea from us?!

Piper - and her many faces







prairie sunset

baby napping... in a wading pool!

Levi & Mommy hanging ghosts for halloween

Piper copying Isaac!

wiping off her high chair

wearing Mommy's boots (she loves boots!), wrong feet and one backwards!

all dressed up for Ruthie's birthday

Piper loves to cuddle with the kids!

Zech & his lego creation

Isaac & his lego creation