The kids had a school ski trip in January. Josh was able to stay with the younger kids so I could drive the older ones this year! It's so fun to watch them work so hard and have a blast! This year was PERFECT weather, right around zero, so the kids skied for hours before even coming in for a break. Noone got too cold or too wet, just had a lot of fun!
blurry, but her new(to us) winter coat
and still growing room in last year's fleece suit!
all her idea! her very own desk!
reading - wherever does she get this from?!
Movember, anyone? Piper joins in.
She is such a "little mommy" ❤
And even a few videos from the month!
Zech & Piper playing with mommy's phone
Piper playing - love the goofy walking!
Piper got to be Levi's friend for "bring a friend day" at gymnastics - she LOVED it!!
Our "artist in the school" this year was an african drummer! The kids absolutely loved working with and learning from him!! At the end of the week, they even put on a little concert for parents, to demonstrate what they had learned through the week - very neat. Levi and Piper loved it too!
Zech & Isaac's class
Ruth's class
Even Levi got to try! (and yes, Piper fell while trying to climb onto the stage from my chair. She's fine!)