I'm not sure if I've posted about this, but Josh got a job for September! He'll be teaching senior high (grades 10, 11, 12 - all different subjects) in Balder - that's about an hour from Brandon, where we are now. Now that we know where he'll be teaching, we can start looking to find somewhere to move. We're hoping to be moved for August, that would give us a month before he really starts teaching to settle in and get used to not being right in town. Hopefully we'll be able to find a house about a half hour outside of Brandon - far enough outside to get much better rent prices. So far we haven't seen much at all for rent outside of here, though there are lots of houses for sale. That doesn't really help us, though, as we don't want to buy when we're not even sure where we want to be.
We're happy about getting this job and knowing what's happening so soon, though we can't help but play the "what if" game - what if something would have worked out nearer either coast, thus nearer our family. But that's not something we could count on, and, with the kids, not a risk we can take. They need stability and this is it.
The good side of him teaching, no matter where in Canada, is that he'll have all the holidays off, plus Spring Break, and of course the couple months off for summer. That should afford us time to visit family, we hope!
And that's about it. We're all still settling in from Mom and Dad's awesome visit, and getting used to having another baby around. I really didn't think going from 2 to 3 kids would be so much of a change, but I'm quickly learning it is!
Oh, we got to the Summer Fair here on Saturday. We met our friend Jen and her kids (there were 10 of us in all, lol!) and went around with them. The kids all had a blast going on rides!! Even Zech and Luke (Jen's son, 3 weeks older than Zech) got to go on a few rides. I have some pictures and will upload them when I get a chance and post them here for y'all to see. :o)
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