Well, this sure has been a heck of a week for us! We're trying to get back into the "normal" routine... whatever that may be for us... with Josh going to work each day and the kids and me getting done whatever we need to do. This week was not the week to work into it!
Monday morning, Josh's first day back after Christmas Break, he left the house and not 15 minutes later calls me to say he's got a flat tire, a spare, but no tire iron or jack in the car. So, I wake up Ruthie and Isaac, pack all 3 kids up with snacks for breakfast, and head out. Finally got back to the house, still in pajamas, at about 10am. By the time I had gotten Isaac fed and down for a nap, showered myself, dressed and fed Ruthie and Zech, it was time to go back to the school to pick Josh up to get the car! Great first day back!
We were busy the rest of the week, too, getting to Ruthie's first dance class since the break, and my MOT's group on Thursday morning. School was cancelled yesterday (Friday) we think due to the cold. There was definitely no storming or snow, and it was below -30, plus windchill, so we're thinking cold.
We've all had the sniffles a bit this week, and now I'm starting to feel really bad. That's due in part to not getting much sleep the past couple nights, and I think just getting sick, too. I might pick up some Vit C powder tomorrow in town and dose myself up with that to chase this off.
Ruthie's had "growing pains" a couple nights ago, which woke her up for a while in the middle of the night. (I know that's not technically what they're called, but it's what Mom always called them with me!) I gave her an Advil and warmed my 'Magic Bag' to have on her legs, and that seemed to help - at least she was able to get back to sleep. Isaac is teething right now - the bottom front right tooth is RIGHT there, so close to coming through - so that means not a ton of sleep from him either. He just wakes needing his sucker, but that still means I have to wake up and get up with him.
Anyways, that's our news for this week!
Oh, I've cleaned up the 'dropshots' website (where our pictures and videos) are posted because I was over the "free" limits. Just in case anyone's wondering where all the pictures went! I left from Christmas on still on there for now!
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