
Zech funny - 04/27

Josh: "I scream, you scream, we all scream for..."
Zech: "APPLES!"
Josh: "Ice cream.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for..."
Zech: "ICE CREAM!!
We can have apples tomorrow!"
That kid is TOO funny sometimes!!!! Makes it so darn hard to get mad at him for anything!

We're still having some tick troubles around here. I think I posted (??) that I found one on Myles and then found one IN MY BRA when I was getting ready to have a shower. That ended in a panic attack on my part, lasted a few hours. Luckily the boys were napping and Ruthie understood that I didn't feel good and she couldn't touch me for a while. We're going to look in town tomorrow for something to spray for them, and we're going to ask our friends about getting the guinea hens.
Dad did tell us that there's a season for ticks back home, so we're hoping it's the same here. Apparently they don't like the heat, and it does get warm here in the summer. I'm hoping that chases them off after a bit. Would sure make things a lot easier and less worrisome for me!

1 comment:

  1. YES!~ I think I can with a reasonable amount of confidence tell you that tere IS a "tick season" good luck!!
