
4 days after dptp+hib - 05/27

Zech's arm is looking much better today. The swelling and redness is only now on his upper arm, and the redness is only very slight. I think we will use the steroid cream just this morning, maybe once again tonight, and then stop that. We will continue to give him Benadryl 3x a day until the swelling is completely gone everywhere.

On a side-note; Ruthie's dance recital is this afternoon! She is very excited about it. We are all going to watch, not sure how much I'll get to sit and watch with the boys there, but I did take her to the dress rehersal on Friday and saw the performances. I will make sure to get Josh to take a video of her 2 performances and will post them tonight or tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. so glad to see Zech's arm is getting better!! Enjoy the recital---Alliyah would sure wish to be there.
