
another week gone - 08/25

We're almost to the end of our summer vacation. It has been a great summer, though, so we can't complain. Well, Josh can, I suppose, since he's the one who has to go back to work! I'm sad to see summer over, especially since it's all ready fall weather here and that scares me for winter! But I'm also excited to see fall come. I love to see the kids having fun and keeping busy, and can't wait to watch them in their dance classes! That is assuming that I am able to get them both in... I'm not too worried, but always a little!
I'm feeling much better now. Finished my antibiotics yesterday, and no thrush for Isaac or me! He seems to be very prone to thrush, so we've been watchful and giving him yogurt every day to help ward it off. So far, so good!
Speaking of Isaac, he's still working on a couple teeth. He now has the 4 front ones, both right side molars, and the top left molar. He's working on the top right eye tooth, top left eye tooth and molar. He's not too too fussy, though, just drooling tons (and getting a bit of a rash on his chin) and chewing things. But nothing too bad.
We bought him a new car seat the other day. He is still fitting in his infant carrier, but JUST barely. He has just one inch of plastic above his head, so technically he does still fit, but we'll just move him up to a convertible seat and not have to worry or watch him for growing! He's VERY happy about his new seat - we think he thinks it's a big kid seat? Not completely sure, but he definitely likes it and likes sitting in it. Yesterday he sat, buckled in, in it and watched TV and played with cars, right in the living room!
What's kinda funny to me is that he's the size, now, that Zech was at just 12 months, and that Ruthie was at 24 months! He should be right between them, sizewise, when they're grown.
Ruthie and Zech are getting more and more antsy. I was hoping things would settle down after being home a bit, but they just seem to be getting worse. Now I'm hoping that once fall comes, and they're busy with swimming and dancing, MOTS, preschool and church that they'll calm down some. I don't know if they'll have time left to be bad!
And I think that's it for now.
Oh, no wait, it's not!
When Myles was staying at the kennel (while we were visiting home) apparently he picked up some fleas. We hadn't seen them when we first came home, and bathed him before he even came in the house, but I think probably they laid eggs on him. (ICK!) Now those are hatching, and thus, we have fleas. :o/ I am NOT pleased. So far the only one being bothered by them is Myles, though Isaac had one on his head the other day. I haven't seen any bites on the kids, though. We bought some more 'flea and tick' drop stuff and treated the dog this week, I remember it took a couple days to really get through his system to get the ticks, so I imagine it will be similar for the fleas. I think we'll be getting some powder stuff to put on the carpets, and some flea collars to put in my vacuum bags! Hopefully that will take care of them.
AND, as if fleas weren't enough, because it's getting cooler all ready, we've got lovely mice friends coming to visit!!! Again, I am NOT pleased!! Last night we were sitting in the living room, and I saw a mouse out of the corner of my eye. The darn thing ran in from the kitchen, right along the register and behind the TV. I freaked out, but couldn't scream because the kids were all ready in bed. Josh got a trap and put it by the TV stand. He went downstairs to check all the traps down there (found one dead mouse under the bathroom sink and one under the stairs) and while he was down there the darn mouse came out and started licking the peanut butter off the trap! But he wouldn't get on it to set it off! Josh came back up and I told him what the thing was doing (meanwhile I'm in a ball on the couch, trying HARD not to scream). He got his pellet gun and ended up shooting the thing, right in the living room! Unfortunately, his first shot didn't kill the bugger, but it went behind the TV again. While Josh was off setting more traps, the thing came out from behind the TV and went under the couch! Josh came up, found it, and killed it. ICK! YUCK! GROSS!
I HATE things like this. HATE them.
And, of course, the cat wasn't even in the house then. We tried calling him, but he must have been too far away to hear us. And the dog is USELESS with mice.
This morning Josh found 2 mice in ONE trap, behind my washing machine!
This had better be it. We've surely hit our household quota on mice???

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