
nearly there! - 06/18

It's almost summer break!! Yay! Well, I'm excited anyways. I know Ruthie will miss school, though, but I think getting to go every day in the fall will make up for having to take the summer off! She's got today (she's there right now) and then graduation next week and then she's done nursery school!
Josh is pretty much done, he's taking the day off for her graduation so he won't miss it - I know that'll mean a lot to her.
And there's only 2 more swimming days left until break, too! I'm sure we'll be swimming lots during the summer, though, especially now that Isaac loves the water!
There's nothing really major to report. Mainly I wanted to post that I just got some new pictures up on the site - there are a bunch of new ones from Josh's camera, some from Isaac's birthday, some from the kids' recital, too, if you want to go back and catch them.

Oh, one new thing - we got a new kitten a couple weeks ago. His name is Caspian (Ruthie named him aafter Prince Caspian [from the Narnia books]). We weren't really looking to get a cat, but had thought maybe we would get one this summer, now that we know we aren't moving. At MOTS, though, one of the older ladies in the church was asking around if anyone wanted this kitten - she lives in a small apartment, has an older cat, and couldn't keep this guy, and she really didn't want to leave him at the shelter. So, I called Josh and he said sure.
He's a nice little kitten, clean, likes the kids (well, puts up with them without too much clawing anyways). Crazy sometimes, but that's all part of a kitten!

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