I just put up nearly 80 (yes 80!!!) pictures and videos from the past few weeks. It's been a really busy time! Here's a few highlights...
We woke up with snow in May!
Ruthie got through her whole "evolution of tap" show. It was a lot of work, extra Saturday classes, rehearsals, and 2 shows over Mother's Day weekend, but she really had fun and was happy to do it - and that's the whole point for us.
She made a pretty little penguin!
Isaac turned 3 on May 19th!!! He's such a big boy now, so excited to be going to nursery school in the fall, he just can't wait! His cake was... well, it was a lot of chocolate and some 'star wars' guys - but he loved it all the same! I think he had a lot of fun being the birthday boy.
Ruthie lost her other bottom front tooth... but I don't think I've gotten a picture of that yet! I'll try to remember in the next couple days.
And then a couple pretty gross pictures. Really, honestly - gross. Isaac got bitten (stung??) on his left ear yesterday - it hit 27.5 degrees and we were outside nearly all day. I have no idea when or what happened, but his ear was red and a little swollen last night at bathtime. This morning it was a lot red and a lot more swollen, and it actually got worse through the day. These are from this afternoon.
And of course I can't move videos over here - actually I probably could somehow, but I don't know how! - so I'll summarize them.
There's now videos of Ruthie's tap show (penguins!), and the dance recital (all the kids' routines, tap and ballet both), and even a couple of Zech golfing - seriously, the kid can really hit the ball!
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