I just remembered, while getting these done, that I have videos from the kids' observation classes at dance. I'll need to charge my camcorder (I'm sure), then I should be able to get them online too.
Things are really busy here, and, for the most part, going okay. The kids are busy practicing for the concert - this Thurs night - and they've wrapped their presents for their "secret santas" at school - even Isaac gets to do one!
Unfortunately, our van started troubles again (much like the gear/transmission troubles in April... that were apparently NOT fixed as we were told). Basically the kids and I were stranded in town last Monday night after dance. Josh couldn't come for us, as his car is small and does not fit 3 car seats in the back. We ended up calling Jen and Paul - they came and he towed us with his truck to the dealership, and they lent us their van for a few days. We got that back to them Thursday night, but we still haven't got our van back.
I have lots of questions for the dealership - not the least of which is wondering why they didn't actually fix this issue in the spring, and why they're refusing to cover any repair costs now - but I will end up telling them they're lying to us... so I'm going to wait until after the van is fixed and we have it back! We're hoping to have them settle for covering at least some, if not all, the costs.
And, no, they offer no courtesy vehicles. In spite of a lot full of brand new vechicles.
We are not pleased with them at all.
Last, but most definitely not least, Isaac wants to show you his new shirt...
Yes, you read it right!
We're due in the first week (ish) of June.
We haven't actually told anyone, until now, just let people notice if they do. People around us are starting to notice (I'll show you why later in the week) and so we wanted to share with everyone.
The kids are all excited... and all want a girl. I have no idea what we'll do if it's not - the older 2 say that they suppose that might be all right, Isaac suggested that "someone else will want him"!!!
congrats and hugs about nthe van!!!