Forewarning - this post will be all over the place, date wise! Josh got the photos done from his camera for me... but they're from back in October. Bear with me.
October 24th - we went to Killarney to have dinner (their fall supper) at the manor with Josh's grandpa and grandma.
Levi loves Grandpa Sam.
October 24th - we went to Killarney to have dinner (their fall supper) at the manor with Josh's grandpa and grandma.
Levi loves Grandpa Sam.
All the kids with Grandpa

We're going to get that one printed larger, frame it, and give it to Grandpa. I think he'd like to have it in his room.
October 30th - We carved Jack-o-Lanterns! Zech missed out, stuck in his room for very-not-nice behaviour. He was able to come out after the pumpkins were carved and see them all lit up - and, really, Josh carved a 'Star Wars' pumpkin for Zech anyways. Levi loved being right in the midst of everything!

The finished pumpkins lined up - Josh's/Zech's (a clone (soldier) from star wars), Ruthie's (a witch), Isaac's (another clone, star wars), and Levi's (a little ghost!)

And all lit up!

November 9th - Ruthie's 8th Birthday!!
We had our normal birthday night stuff - supper of her choice, followed by birthday cupcakes...

and then opening some family gifts and cards...

November 10th - Ruthie's birthday party.
She had 4 girls over from school for supper (make-your-own subs), cake, a movie (Josh turned downstairs into a theatre with projector and screen!), and a sleepover. (Phew, was I ever tired out!)
She wanted (and I made) Mrs Potts and Chip for a cake...

I'm no pro, but I think she was pretty happy with how they turned out and that's all that matters!

November 12th - just a normal day, but a cute picture!
Zech came home from school and sat down in the living room to finish his leftover snacks/lunch from the day. Levi was sitting there too, and started talking to Zech. When Zech started talking back to him, Levi was just so happy. They sat and visited for a good while there, happy as clams.

And that brings you up to speed! There are a few more from these days on the other site, as usual.
October 30th - We carved Jack-o-Lanterns! Zech missed out, stuck in his room for very-not-nice behaviour. He was able to come out after the pumpkins were carved and see them all lit up - and, really, Josh carved a 'Star Wars' pumpkin for Zech anyways. Levi loved being right in the midst of everything!
November 9th - Ruthie's 8th Birthday!!
We had our normal birthday night stuff - supper of her choice, followed by birthday cupcakes...
November 10th - Ruthie's birthday party.
She had 4 girls over from school for supper (make-your-own subs), cake, a movie (Josh turned downstairs into a theatre with projector and screen!), and a sleepover. (Phew, was I ever tired out!)
She wanted (and I made) Mrs Potts and Chip for a cake...
November 12th - just a normal day, but a cute picture!
Zech came home from school and sat down in the living room to finish his leftover snacks/lunch from the day. Levi was sitting there too, and started talking to Zech. When Zech started talking back to him, Levi was just so happy. They sat and visited for a good while there, happy as clams.
And that brings you up to speed! There are a few more from these days on the other site, as usual.
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