We've been busy with normal everything - dance classes, skating lessons - and last Friday we had our friends' 2 youngest kids (6 and 4, the same ages as Zech and Isaac) for the afternoon and a sleepover. They stayed through Saturday, came to Isaac's nursery school Valentine's party at the rink that afternoon. Unfortunately, Zech had troubles and ended up leaving the rink heading to bed at home. Josh took the other kids home, and took Isaac and Ruth along - they got to go on a sleigh ride out in the bush, and got to stop for a bon fire and marshmallow roasting! Isaac was so excited when he got home! I'm only sad I had to miss it. Ah well, maybe next time.
So, all that, and just when I thought things were going to slow down today (no after school activities) the phone rang - it was Zech's teacher, Zech had said he wasn't feeling well just minutes before but it was nearly the end of the day. He said he'd try to make it, but then he vomited. Poor guy. I rushed Isaac and Levi out to the van to go pick Zechie up. He has vomited a few more times, had some Gravol. He says his belly doesn't hurt or anything at all now (10:30pm) and was asking to go to bed. Fingers are crossed that he gets a good night's sleep.
And I would say fingers are crossed that this bug doesn't pass through the house - but I'm not sure we have that luck. This has certainly been our year for sickness in the house. Yuck.
Now on to better (and cuter!) things - pictures! Also, there are a few new videos on the other site too! I bet you've never seen such adorable singing and dancing or peek-a-boo-ing!
Feb 7
Levi almost always gets some naked time before bedtime, after the older kids are all in bed. He loves it!
This might we put some music on the tv, he loved that too!

You must go watch the videos from then - too cute!
Although, obviously, you are forewarned about the birthday suit!
Feb 14
Levi ~ 8 months old!
I love this picture of him!
But it took some work to get... he just loves to sit still for a photo now.

But we managed a couple more good shots later on that day...

Feb 15
See this?
It's perfect for playing drums with...
and for teething!
Levi got his first tooth on the weekend!
It was just breaking through end of last week, but finally came through enough to see on the weekend.
Can you see it in there?!
And just because I like this picture... and I love this kid!
Levi almost always gets some naked time before bedtime, after the older kids are all in bed. He loves it!
This might we put some music on the tv, he loved that too!
You must go watch the videos from then - too cute!
Although, obviously, you are forewarned about the birthday suit!
Feb 14
Levi ~ 8 months old!
But it took some work to get... he just loves to sit still for a photo now.
Feb 15
See this?
and for teething!
It was just breaking through end of last week, but finally came through enough to see on the weekend.
Can you see it in there?!
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