Levi had a blast, got absolutely dirty every day, and loved the beach and water. He had no troubles with napping or sleeping - being outside in the fresh air all the time helps with that I think!
July 11th - William Lake
Levi napping
Levi napping
at our campsite
the trailer and tent set up
Where's Levi?
There he is!
a chipmunk came right in and started eating Myles' food right out of the bowl! Myles was not bothered in the least by this - if you know Myles, you know this.
he got scared off after a few minutes, but didn't go far (just to the corner of the site) before stopping to keep eating.
Levi down at the beach
bad photo of the beach - I'll get a better one next time we go!
July 12th - William Lake
Levi playing in the lake!

He loves the water!

Funny timing - we got down to the beach just minutes after a couple kids from Minto arrived, so the kids had fun playing and swimming with friends!
Ruthie's in the middle (the monkey in the middle!), Zech's in the green tube, Isaac's in the black tube.

and there's a video on the dropshots site of Levi splashing and talking in the lake!
July 13th - at home, with trucks!
We came home to construction - they're working on the ditch, trying to prevent more flooding in town.
Levi loved watching the back hoe and trucks!

he kept talking, telling us all about them (we assume!)

a dark photo, but can you see that smile? so happy!

cute little dude

Levi playing in the lake!
He loves the water!
Funny timing - we got down to the beach just minutes after a couple kids from Minto arrived, so the kids had fun playing and swimming with friends!
Ruthie's in the middle (the monkey in the middle!), Zech's in the green tube, Isaac's in the black tube.
and there's a video on the dropshots site of Levi splashing and talking in the lake!
July 13th - at home, with trucks!
We came home to construction - they're working on the ditch, trying to prevent more flooding in town.
Levi loved watching the back hoe and trucks!
he kept talking, telling us all about them (we assume!)
a dark photo, but can you see that smile? so happy!
cute little dude
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