We drove to the city Thursday night and stayed over in the airport hotel so I didn't have any drive or parking to figure out in the morning. Friday morning we got up and ready, crossed to the airport at 7am and flew out at 8am. Levi was great on the plane - we were able to get a free seat beside us on both long flights (Winnipeg to Toronto, then Ottawa/Winnipeg on the way back) - on the short Toronto/Ottawa flight he cuddled up in my lap and slept. Many people said how good of a little guy he was, what a good traveler he was.
We got in to Ottawa at 1:10pm and met Nana at the baggage area! Levi was very confused by this point - he'd been looking for Daddy and Isaac at the hotel the night before and that morning - but not upset. We went right over to pick up our rental car and started on the way to the wedding venue. Everything I found said it was over an hour drive, but we made it in 45mins from the airport - and I wasn't speeding... that much. Anyways, we made it in time to get everyone changed and ready before a lot of the guests were arriving.
The wedding was beautiful and I'm so glad I was there for Katie. The venue (Beantown) was gorgeous - just amazing, honestly... just check through their website, though it doesn't even do it justice. The only bad part of the place was the pond - beautiful... but Levi wanted in the water so bad! We stayed for the day out there; ceremony, finger foods and visiting, dinner, speeches and first dance (on the island - with fireworks behind them!), then we started back to the city.
Good thing, as I mixed myself up with the directions to the hotel and missed the correct turnoff (since I wasn't looking for it at all), taking us through Ottawa and on to Kanata. We had to drive an extra 10 minutes on the highway before getting to a place we could turn off... then on the way back to Ottawa we got stuck in post-hockey game traffic by the arena. It took us only 45mins to get to Beantown... and 1.5hrs to get from there back to the hotel... which, for the record, is only 5mins away from the airport. Not a fun drive. But we made it.
In the morning we got all ready and headed back to the airport at lunchtime - had to drop off the car to avoid getting another day's charge for only a couple hours extra. We hung around the airport until our flights - Levi watched planes landing and vehicles out at the gates, and napped for a couple hours while we ate lunch.
Unfortunately then it was time to say goodbye and we got on the plane to come home. Even though it was short and very busy, I'm so glad it worked out for Nana to meet us there! It was a lot of fun... even if I am still exhausted from it!
Everyone was glad to see us home - the kids had only gone to bed shortly before we pulled in, and they heard Levi squealing, so they came out for hugs and kisses.
I got some pictures, too! First a couple from earlier this month, then the trip.
Sept. 16th
Levi loves books and stories

Sept. 23-24 - Mommy and Levi's trip!
Levi on the plane - watching a show on the little tv

Nana and Levi

I really like these next 2 of them

Mommy and Levi

Levi worked at covering the benches with wood chips

he worked hard, see?

he found more wood chips by the pavilion!

checking out the rental car

trying on Mommy's shoes!

watching a plane come to the gate!

he loved watching the planes and vehicles! many, many "wow"s and "look at that!"

Pictures I got of Beantown - and not nearly as many as I should have gotten! I got none of the chapel, the covered bridge, or the main hall.
the outside ceremony area

the pavilion

horse-drawn wagon to get from place to place - it's not too far to walk, though would be for some, but it's fun to take a wagon ride!

Levi loves books and stories
Sept. 23-24 - Mommy and Levi's trip!
Levi on the plane - watching a show on the little tv
Nana and Levi
I really like these next 2 of them
Mommy and Levi
Levi worked at covering the benches with wood chips
he worked hard, see?
he found more wood chips by the pavilion!
checking out the rental car
trying on Mommy's shoes!
watching a plane come to the gate!
he loved watching the planes and vehicles! many, many "wow"s and "look at that!"
Pictures I got of Beantown - and not nearly as many as I should have gotten! I got none of the chapel, the covered bridge, or the main hall.
the outside ceremony area
the pavilion
horse-drawn wagon to get from place to place - it's not too far to walk, though would be for some, but it's fun to take a wagon ride!
I know, I said it all ready. But I'm so glad I went and it was so beautiful! Levi was a great little travelling buddy and we couldn't have asked for better timing and weather!