Josh started back to work on the 6th - back to waking early to an alarm and being away all day. We adjust and get used to it.
The kids started school on the 7th - Isaac is in Kindergarten this year! Ruthie's in grade 4, Zech's in grade 2. So far it's going good, they all love school anyways and Isaac's having good days. His first day wasn't good (to him) because Zech laughed at him when he tripped at recess, and he cut himself with his new scissors while cutting shapes. The next day was a little better, and Friday was a good day because he "didn't even cut myself!". Hey, we'll take what we can get. Having everyone in school, at least for the mornings (Isaac gets picked up at 11:45 almost every day, except for field trips and swim lessons), leaves Levi and me at home just the two of us. It's very quiet around here! But he's a fun little guy - loves to play with Mommy, read stories, and even help out with chores - he loves to pass me pillows when I make our bed! And he loves to go for walks down to meet Isaac at lunchtime (we've been able to walk most of the days so far).
Zech and Isaac started karate on the 6th - Isaac is liking it all right, though he doesn't like to be told what to do... which is kind of the point in being there... but he'll get used to it. He all ready liked the 2nd class better than the first week. Zech has jumped right back in and is doing really great all ready. The only downside is that there are a lot of kids in the class right now, and they're back to doing a lot of the basics. We're hoping the "herd" thins out soon. We both remember it being the same last year, then being only 5-10 kids each class by spring. Zech doesn't seem to be bothered, though.
Ruthie starts gymnastics this Tuesday, the 20th - we're taking a break from dance for this year and trying this instead. We're all pretty tired of having to make the big trip (it's not far, but it's a long time there and a lot of work to get there) for dance each week. Especially after they moved locations, it just didn't seem to work well last year. She's always wanted to try gymnastics, though, and they have a gym in Boissevain - only a 12min drive, instead of 45mins for dance. We're all hoping she'll like it.
The older kids all start swimming lessons this Friday, with the school. The whole school gets bussed in to Brandon for lessons each Friday afternoon from now through until mid-Dec. Very nice for us as then we don't have to make the trip ourselves! It will be strange to have the whole day, just me and Levi! Although some of the weeks we'll be going in for groceries and errands. Levi should be starting his swim lessons himself on Saturday, but we'll miss the first lesson this week as he and I will be coming home that day.
It's a busy week this week - not only activities and all that, but I'm taking Levi with me to my best friend from university's wedding on Friday. We drive to Winnipeg Thursday as soon as Josh gets home from work, fly out Friday morning, get a car at Ottawa airport and drive to the wedding venue (fingers crossed for an easy time finding the way and all that jazz). Stay overnight Friday, fly back Saturday and drive home. Phew! A great bonus to it, though, is that I'm meeting my mom in Ottawa and she'll be coming to the wedding with Levi and me! I'm excited... and nervous... but it'll be fun I know. So the week is busy with getting things ready to leave around the house, packing, getting Josh's car cleaned out and Levi's seat in there. And Josh will be staying home Friday - all by his lonesome after seeing the kids off to school, with swim lessons, and Isaac even has a birthday party to go to after school! Wish us luck with the traveling/flying/driving!
Aug 3rd
kids with Grandma and Grandpa (and the dogs!), before they left for home

Aug 31st
caspian and runt together!

Sept 5th
Levi's new face - the "smolder" (watch 'tangled' the movie, you'll understand)

Sept 6th
Levi and runt

Sept 7th - 1st day of school!
all the kids!

Ruthie - starting grade 4!
Zech - starting grade 2!
Isaac - 1st day of Kindergarten!!!
Levi - while pictures were being taken... not going to school
walking to school
Isaac at the school door - he'd hung his lunchbox on the door and taken off his shoes!
Ruthie at her desk
Zech at his desk
Isaac at his very first desk!
not school, but later that day Isaac played 'trouble' with his lego guy... it's a flashlight
Sept 12th
runt sleeping in his favorite place - my diaper bag!

Ruthie's new hair cut - doesn't it make her look older?! We don't like that!
Isaac's new hair cut - we love his long hair, but wanted to see his eyes in school pictures!
Sept 15th
Levi's favorite seat in the house - the cat house!

kids with Grandma and Grandpa (and the dogs!), before they left for home
Aug 31st
caspian and runt together!
Sept 5th
Levi's new face - the "smolder" (watch 'tangled' the movie, you'll understand)
Sept 6th
Levi and runt
Sept 7th - 1st day of school!
all the kids!
Sept 12th
runt sleeping in his favorite place - my diaper bag!
Sept 15th
Levi's favorite seat in the house - the cat house!
That's it for now - our update for the past 2 weeks of busy-ness! Looking forward to another 2 weeks... though hopefully I'll post again before that long. I'll try to remember my camera for my trip and have pictures to share - hope to get a couple of Levi and Nana, and I'd love one of me and Katie together! We'll see!
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