
Elliana Lucy - 2 .7 .12

Elliana Lucy Baker

stillborn at 23 weeks

Feb 7, 2012, at 7:10pm.
5.6oz, 8.25in

Josh and I spent some time with her alone just after she was born.
Precious time with our tiny baby girl.

Our parents and all the children were able to come in to spend some time with her a few hours later.
It was so hard, but we are so grateful they had this time - to hold their baby sister, to shower her with love and kisses and tears.
They love her so much.

Elliana means "the Lord has responded". Lucy means "light".
Our little girl reminds us every day that "the Lord has responded with light". 

This wee girl, with her big feet and dimple chin, has forever changed our hearts and lives. We love you, Baby Elli.