
visitors and teeth

We're counting down the days until Nana and Papa get here for their visit - ONE MORE SLEEP! We can't wait to see them! We're keeping our fingers crossed for good weather and some camping/beach time. We were planning to redo our deck while they are here as well, but after some unexpected stuff we aren't able to do that this year. Boo. But, we'll just have a great visit anyway!

We've spent some time (and there's more to come) at the dentist this past week. Josh and I noticed a spot in Isaac's mouth. After brushing and flossing and whatnot, we figured out that it's definitely a cavity. Shoot. We called for an appointment for him, and ended up getting Josh in that same afternoon. Other appointments for the rest of us are all over the summer calendar - good thing we had no plans for travelling far this year!
Isaac had his (first) appointment on Wednesday - since I haven't dealt with cavities before, Josh took him - turns out he has three cavities, not just the one we saw. So, he has 3 more appointments over the next month - filling each one and a cleaning in there too. Goodness.
Ruthie had her appointment on Thursday - no cavities and we're done for her for this time. Phew!
Now we're waiting for the rest of the appointments, and Josh is going to be in there a lot with Isaac. I don't know how I'd feel in there, so I won't be going along. I don't want to be nervous and make Isaac feel more anxious.

Speaking of teeth, Zech has a bunch missing right now. I finally remembered to snap a photo!

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