Nana & Papa have just gone home (flying right now, actually) after a wonderful (and all-too-short) visit!
I have lots of photos from when they were here, but for a couple posts you'll have to excuse me while I catch up.
A couple weeks ago we finally bit the bullet... after having this house for nearly 7 years, we bought a ride-on lawn mower! Thank goodness! Now, instead of it taking 4 hours to mow the whole lawn, and it only getting done in a one-hour chunk every few days, it takes only one hour to do it all! Zech is excited to start learning how to use it, which will be a great help. Levi has all ready had a driving lesson!

Now, it hasn't all been fun and games with the lawn mower. The day before Nana and Papa were arriving last week we were rushing around getting the house and everything clean and tidy... including the yard... and the mower threw a rock into a window of the van. What a mess, and what a hassle at just the wrong time.
But we have a cute Sweet Pea to distract us from that!
She loves pop cans - pepsi, not coke. Smart girl!

She loves the bumbo chair! She's not too sure about borrowing Sissy's hair clip though!!

She was quite happy with herself for making it that far - she started laying on her back on the quilt!

Piper was on the floor and fussing, I was busy and coming to get her when Zech stepped up - a great big brother! I found this instead ❤
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