
Summer snapshots

The first thing on our "to-do" list this summer was getting the deck redone. The deck was old-ish when we bought the house, and we've been here nearly 8 years, so it was just time to get it done. Josh and Zech worked so hard, starting right away when summer break started, we all helped in some way or another but they did a ton of the work, and now we've got a beautiful deck to enjoy!
(not to mention the mosquitoes... lots of those to enjoy too.)
(unfortunately, the pretty deck makes the house look terribly shabby. next year we hope to paint the house. so ignore that in the photos!)

Miss Piper tired herself out one day helping, she fell asleep while eating lunch!

We've been enjoying the deck lots; playing, just sitting, having lunch and snacks, and lots of freezies!!
almost all the babies

little girl looking little... and cute

Speaking of little-ness, Piper loves Isaac's toy camper and plays with it as often as she can get in the boys' room - and she has figured out that she can even fit right inside!

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