Well, it's definitely winter here. We've had a couple snowstorms this week all ready, and it looks like another one brewing now. Hopefully we'll still be able to make it into Brandon tonight to be in our church's 'Bethlehem Live'. I'll have to remember to take my camera and have my friend got some pictures of Ruth, Josh, and me all dressed up.
Oh, for clarification, the church sets up an outdoor display, obviously with live people and animals, and people can come for a "tour" of Bethlehem. They walk through the "town" - past sheperds with sheep, homeless people, a marketplace (where we'll be), see the tax collector, and end up at the nativity scene. It's pretty neat, and a great outreach to the community. Last year I took the kids by myself, and there were TONS of people waiting for tours. The whole sanctuary was FULL of people waiting. So awesome to see!!
So, we're hoping for decent weather tonight. We need the roads to be clear enough for decent driving, and we need it to not be too cold. Snow is fine, but bitter cold is not. Noone would come, and besides that, the actors would all freeze being outside for 2.5 hours!
And, in case anyone worries - Isaac and Zech will be inside the church, with baby-sitters. Ruthie will get dressed up and come out to the marketplace with us. I'm not sure if she'll last the whole evening (though I'll have to come in for a bit, at least once, to nurse Isaac, so she can have a break then) but if she wants to, she can play in the church too.
So, hopefully there will be pictures to be shared after tonight! There are a couple really cute ones of Ruth and Zech "ballet dancing" together last night. Josh kept them home and I took Isaac into town to get some groceries and a few more Christmas things done. He called me just to tell me how cute they were and that he'd take pictures for me to see. :o)
Well, things are obviously busy, but good, with us. Sorry I haven't updated again in a while. With the computer downstairs, and (for now) in the spare room, I don't get on much. I know I don't need to be on as much as I used to be, but I do need to a bit more than I have been recently!
The kids are all well, growing and laughing lots! The boys both did awesome with their needles last week. Isaac didn't react at all to his (dptp, hib, prevnar) and Zech hasn't had any reaction yet (mmr). I know his can take up to 14 days to show reactions, though, so I'm not jumping for joy yet! Ruthie is bugging us EVERY DAY to get the tree put up for her. I think she thinks putting the tree up automatically makes it Christmas?? Might be a shock to her that just because the tree is up doesn't mean she can open and get her presents!! But I do need to get it up, if nothing else, so I can take the kids' Christmas pictures!
Hmmm... thinking about which... I should try and see if I can't use the timer to get some shots of all of us. That'd be neat. I realize as I see our pictures that we're always the ones taking them, so we're not IN them! Well, at least me anyways! I'll try to get a few of this old mug to share.
And that's about it for now! Gotta get a snack going for these guys, and maybe start on the tree for Ruthie.