
still no mortgage - 09/15

So, we still have no mortgage, but we've done all we can do. Now it's left in the loan guy's hands. He is supposed to be letting the bank know Monday morning and they're going to call us and let us know. We're hoping they say yes, and quick! We don't want to lose this house, and we have to have this all settled by 6pm on Tues. So, cross your fingers for us, all!!!!
Josh had to take his personal day today so he could go to Royal Bank... for a meeting all of 10 minutes long. But anyways, it's done now and all the paperwork is in.
I am so badly hoping that this all gets settled and done with next week .Then all that there is to do is wait until the 15th of Oct to start moving our things. Oh, and I need to start looking for a kitty!!! :o)

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