I took the boys for their needles yesterday. Interesting appt, with all 3 kids in tow and only one set of hands! But we survived!
Isaac is now a few ounces over 14lbs, and about 26.25 inches. So, he's growing, but not as fast as he was - and that's a good thing!! But he's in the 90th %ile for height and only the 25th for weight, which explains why he's so darn skinny! He's slowly dropping %iles in height, and actually dropping one %ile each weigh-in, but he's healthy. He got his 4 month needles (dptp + hib, and prevnar) and has been fine so far.
I did give both boys some Tempra at the appt, to ward off fever, and gave them some at bedtime to help through the night. So far, so good!!
Zech is now about 27lbs, and 36 inches! He's a big boy, but we all ready knew that!! He had to get needles, too, as we're working on getting him caught up to where he should be. Another couple visits and he'll be done. I'm just doing him at the same time as Isaac, cuz it cuts down on appts for us. This time he got the dptp + hib and single prevnar. Because he's only a couple weeks shy of 24 months, he'll only get one prevnar shot, which is nice for him! Next time we'll get his MMR vax's started. I was going to do the first MMR this time, but the Dr said he'd prefer to just do the one's Zech got, so that's fine. And, like I said, so far so good, with both boys! So, that's awesome! Zech is a bit sad today, and says his head hurts (headache??) but he won't take any medicine for it, so it can't be that bad. A few extra cuddles here and there seem to be doing the trick for him.
And what else is happening...
I haven't started packing yet for the move. Though lots of people ask if I have. I never pack until we're actually moving. Lazy? Maybe. But really I just can't see things to pack that we don't need!! Because we take possession on a Sunday, we won't be able to really move anything until the following weekend, so during that week I'll be loading up the van and moving things each day. That'll actually get a lot moved, I think. Like the stuff in the shed, and dishes we don't use. I can even take clothes, I'm pretty sure, if I just pack the duffle bag with stuff we need here.
Anyone want to help with the move?!! Just come on out! :o)
And now baby's up and hungry, so I gotta run!
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