Ruthie did wonderful! I wish you all had been there to share it with us. She did a great job, and many people came up to us, and her, afterwards to say how wonderful she reads!!! Actually, quite a few parents were amazed, saying that their own child was in school and can't read nearly that well. I'm so glad she did well, I think she was proud.
She did tell me, when we got home, that she was a bit scared with everyone staring at her, but, honestly, it didn't show at all. She did look at Josh and I many more times than one, but she just did great and read well and clear.
I'm getting a few pictures uploaded (of her before we left for the concert) and the video of their play. I was able to hold the shutter button down for the whole thing!
That being said, we think a small camcorder might need to be a gift to ourselves before next year's concert - especially since we'll have 2 in it!
I'm hoping the video will go through. It says it's still "uploading" right now. But keep checking back, if it's not there - I'll get it to work eventually!!
we're still here! - 12/20
Well, things have been busy here. Ken (josh's dad) was here helping us deal with things. He got Josh a new car (Merry Christmas!! Yay!) for work, which is awesome. This is the car - a 2003 Kia Rio.
Thankfully (!!!) his ears have improved this time!! We had him in last night to the walk-in again and his ears are just a little pink now!
These pictures are from Sunday morning. You can see how just a couple lbs. lost made a big difference in Isaac!
Josh got sick Sunday night, then Ruthie did Monday afternoon. So far I've only been a little sick, and Zech has been fine. Though, he did slam his fingers in the door this morning.
I just got a few pictures put up online, and one video of Zech at dance class. It's short, unfortunately, because my camera decided to not work right.

We have Christmas pictures - finally! We got them taken on Sunday (all of them are up on the picture site, lots to look through!) and I got them printed off yesterday. Hopefully the cards will all be done and mailed out tomorrow!
My apologies to any and all who receive their cards late. I didn't forget... just was busy with sick kids!
hello! - 12/01
Hello all! Sorry for the lengthy pause in updates, we've been busy dealing with sick kids and a broken car.
The kids are coming along okay - we've all still got a cold, so there's plenty of coughing, but Ruthie seems to be feeling better and Zech seems to be doing well. Isaac has had a bit of a temp again the last 2 days (yesterday and today) and has been extra grumpy. But, we did go to Winnipeg on Thursday, making for a very long day, so we're hoping he's still worn out from that. At any rate, I'll be taking him back to the Dr office to have his ears looked at, once he's all done his meds. Hopefully they're cleared up and we're done this round.
We know nothing more about the whole van insurance claim. They're waiting on us to get it in for the "price out". But, considering that means losing the van for a day, it's not going to happen any time really soon. They can wait!
Josh's car is another story. We really need to get this thing figured out so he can get back to using his own vehicle! He drove it to work Monday morning, all was fine. But after school it wouldn't start - it's rolling over, but just not starting. He's now got it in a garage (father of one of his students) and has been trying to figure things out. No luck yet. It doesn't help that this week has been really busy for him anyways, so he hasn't had a ton of time to spend on the car. But, luckily, a fellow teacher at the school has an "extra" vehicle and has loaned it to Josh to use for getting to work and back. Thank goodness. I really don't know what we would have done without that helping hand.
Last thing! I just uploaded a few pictures and videos from today at swimming lessons! Enjoy!
The kids are coming along okay - we've all still got a cold, so there's plenty of coughing, but Ruthie seems to be feeling better and Zech seems to be doing well. Isaac has had a bit of a temp again the last 2 days (yesterday and today) and has been extra grumpy. But, we did go to Winnipeg on Thursday, making for a very long day, so we're hoping he's still worn out from that. At any rate, I'll be taking him back to the Dr office to have his ears looked at, once he's all done his meds. Hopefully they're cleared up and we're done this round.
We know nothing more about the whole van insurance claim. They're waiting on us to get it in for the "price out". But, considering that means losing the van for a day, it's not going to happen any time really soon. They can wait!
Josh's car is another story. We really need to get this thing figured out so he can get back to using his own vehicle! He drove it to work Monday morning, all was fine. But after school it wouldn't start - it's rolling over, but just not starting. He's now got it in a garage (father of one of his students) and has been trying to figure things out. No luck yet. It doesn't help that this week has been really busy for him anyways, so he hasn't had a ton of time to spend on the car. But, luckily, a fellow teacher at the school has an "extra" vehicle and has loaned it to Josh to use for getting to work and back. Thank goodness. I really don't know what we would have done without that helping hand.
Last thing! I just uploaded a few pictures and videos from today at swimming lessons! Enjoy!
sick kids - 11/23
Yet again, we have sick kids.
We've all had ongoing colds since the end of September. A couple days ago Isaac started getting really whiny and clingy. Yesterday I went in to MOTS in the morning and he was miserable, and so hot. So, after a quick lunch, I dropped the older 2 off at Jill and Reg's house and took Isaac to the walk-in.
Yup, ear infection in both ears. And his temp in the office was 39.9 (under arm). HOT. So he's got antibiotics and we're giving him Advil and Tylenol, alternately, every 3 hours to keep the pain and fever down. Definitely seems to be helping him - he's up and playing around and he ate a bit for supper last night and a little bit at breakfast this morning.
Unfortunately, I think Zech is in the same boat as Isaac. He's not feeling well at all, and has a fever (temp was 38.3 underarm last night). I'm giving him Advil and Tylenol, the same as Isaac, though it doesn't seem to being doing much yet. If this continues, he'll have to miss his swim lesson tomorrow (I don't really want any water in his ears right now, if they're infected, and besides that, I don't think he'd be up for it anyways) and we'll take him to the walk-in, too.
On the bright side, I went to the new walk-in in town. The Dr was really nice, good with Isaac, even with his ear-piercing screaming, and I'm going to see about transferring us all to him. At the very least, even if we have to go to the walk-in there, we'd see one of only 5 or 6 Drs, instead of any one of the 50 we see now.
I think that's about it for now. Ruthie did wake up warm this morning, so we'll be keeping an eye on her as well.
Apparently ear infections are contagious here?!
We've all had ongoing colds since the end of September. A couple days ago Isaac started getting really whiny and clingy. Yesterday I went in to MOTS in the morning and he was miserable, and so hot. So, after a quick lunch, I dropped the older 2 off at Jill and Reg's house and took Isaac to the walk-in.
Yup, ear infection in both ears. And his temp in the office was 39.9 (under arm). HOT. So he's got antibiotics and we're giving him Advil and Tylenol, alternately, every 3 hours to keep the pain and fever down. Definitely seems to be helping him - he's up and playing around and he ate a bit for supper last night and a little bit at breakfast this morning.
Unfortunately, I think Zech is in the same boat as Isaac. He's not feeling well at all, and has a fever (temp was 38.3 underarm last night). I'm giving him Advil and Tylenol, the same as Isaac, though it doesn't seem to being doing much yet. If this continues, he'll have to miss his swim lesson tomorrow (I don't really want any water in his ears right now, if they're infected, and besides that, I don't think he'd be up for it anyways) and we'll take him to the walk-in, too.
On the bright side, I went to the new walk-in in town. The Dr was really nice, good with Isaac, even with his ear-piercing screaming, and I'm going to see about transferring us all to him. At the very least, even if we have to go to the walk-in there, we'd see one of only 5 or 6 Drs, instead of any one of the 50 we see now.
I think that's about it for now. Ruthie did wake up warm this morning, so we'll be keeping an eye on her as well.
Apparently ear infections are contagious here?!
I just uploaded a couple pictures of the damage to the van, and a picture of the dead tree in our back yard - it blew over from the wind sometime Sunday night!
We had Ruthie's birthday party yesterday. I overheard her talking to herself (maybe her toys) in her room saying "That was the best day ever!", so I think it's safe to assume she had a good day. Her birthday cake worked out, though I was worried for a time, but she was happy with it and that's what matters.
I'm uploading pictures of the party yesterday, and a few pictures from Friday (her actual birthday) of cupcakes and gifts that night.
I think one of the best parts of this all is that now I'm done with birthdays for a good while! They're fun, but 3 in just over 3 weeks is a lot to handle, especially with Halloween thrown in there! Now on to Christmas!!
I should mention, too, last week while on my way into town for MOTS, I hit a deer. Well, a combination of me driving and it running into the side of the van. Anyways, we're dealing with insurance and they want to write it off - not an option for us. There is a buy out option, but we need to figure out if we'd get enough through that to get the van back on the road. Silly, because it's driving and working totally fine - just the same as always, after a wheel alignment. But because it's older and not in mint condition, better they write it off than fix it... apparently. We'll see how it all goes. We need to go in next Monday for another estimate. I think Josh is going to take a personal day and take the van in to deal with the guys there. The guy who did the estimate when I took it in definitely didn't do a good job. He told me first thing it would be a write off and then stood by the wall, talking to a cop (there for an estimate himself) and did the whole estimate from there. Doesn't really make sense to me. Anyways, we're going to go in and, at the very least, let them know how this guy treated me and the kids. I really don't care if I am a young girl, with a whole van load of kids, I still deserve respect and to be treated fairly.
I'm uploading pictures of the party yesterday, and a few pictures from Friday (her actual birthday) of cupcakes and gifts that night.
I think one of the best parts of this all is that now I'm done with birthdays for a good while! They're fun, but 3 in just over 3 weeks is a lot to handle, especially with Halloween thrown in there! Now on to Christmas!!
I should mention, too, last week while on my way into town for MOTS, I hit a deer. Well, a combination of me driving and it running into the side of the van. Anyways, we're dealing with insurance and they want to write it off - not an option for us. There is a buy out option, but we need to figure out if we'd get enough through that to get the van back on the road. Silly, because it's driving and working totally fine - just the same as always, after a wheel alignment. But because it's older and not in mint condition, better they write it off than fix it... apparently. We'll see how it all goes. We need to go in next Monday for another estimate. I think Josh is going to take a personal day and take the van in to deal with the guys there. The guy who did the estimate when I took it in definitely didn't do a good job. He told me first thing it would be a write off and then stood by the wall, talking to a cop (there for an estimate himself) and did the whole estimate from there. Doesn't really make sense to me. Anyways, we're going to go in and, at the very least, let them know how this guy treated me and the kids. I really don't care if I am a young girl, with a whole van load of kids, I still deserve respect and to be treated fairly.
We had a good time on Halloween - went to our friends' house for trick-or-treating, Myles came along. The kids had a lot of fun and gots lots of candy - even Isaac!
Jen and Paul live in a trailer court, and so we were going from trailer to trailer, of course - lots of candy and not tons of walking for the kids! Zech said, at the end, "I loved going to the summer houses and getting candy!".
Took us a few minutes, but we realized he was remembering visiting Mom and Dad in NS and staying at their "summer house" - the trailer!
I just got the pictures up on the site - Ruth was Belle, Zech was Superman, and Isaac wore my bunny costume (all the kids have worn it thus far!).
Jen and Paul live in a trailer court, and so we were going from trailer to trailer, of course - lots of candy and not tons of walking for the kids! Zech said, at the end, "I loved going to the summer houses and getting candy!".
Took us a few minutes, but we realized he was remembering visiting Mom and Dad in NS and staying at their "summer house" - the trailer!
I just got the pictures up on the site - Ruth was Belle, Zech was Superman, and Isaac wore my bunny costume (all the kids have worn it thus far!).
I'll be sure to get pictures of the kids in their costumes tonight and try to get them uploaded for all to see tomorrow!
Ruthie is at nursery school right now - it's their Halloween party and she got to wear her costume to school - very exciting for her!
Tonight we'll be going in to our friends' house to go "trick-or-treating" with them. They're in a trailer court, so it's awesome for taking the kids out - you don't have to go very far to have tons of candy, not so much walking or being outside in the cold for the kids. It's perfect for us!
We thought of this the other night though - Myles will be coming with us! I hadn't really thought of it until I was "planning" today in my head. Then I realized that if we leave candy out on the front step and kids are coming up taking it... well, Myles might not be too pleased if he's here alone. So, he'll be tagging along. I'm sure he won't mind!
And tomorrow is Josh's birthday! I'll be making his favorite casserole for dinner and a cake for dessert - and of course there's some presents!
I'll be sure to get pictures of the kids in their costumes tonight and try to get them uploaded for all to see tomorrow!
Ruthie is at nursery school right now - it's their Halloween party and she got to wear her costume to school - very exciting for her!
Tonight we'll be going in to our friends' house to go "trick-or-treating" with them. They're in a trailer court, so it's awesome for taking the kids out - you don't have to go very far to have tons of candy, not so much walking or being outside in the cold for the kids. It's perfect for us!
We thought of this the other night though - Myles will be coming with us! I hadn't really thought of it until I was "planning" today in my head. Then I realized that if we leave candy out on the front step and kids are coming up taking it... well, Myles might not be too pleased if he's here alone. So, he'll be tagging along. I'm sure he won't mind!
And tomorrow is Josh's birthday! I'll be making his favorite casserole for dinner and a cake for dessert - and of course there's some presents!
Zech's party - 10/22
We had Zech's birthday party yesterday! There were a few mishaps with the cake on Saturday night, but Josh helped me salvage things and it all worked out okay in the end. Zech was really happy with his cake, and that's what matters!
I think he had a lot of fun - got to play with his friends, got cake, got presents - what more can any 3 year old ask for?!
I'm uploading some pictures...
done! Enjoy!
I think he had a lot of fun - got to play with his friends, got cake, got presents - what more can any 3 year old ask for?!
I'm uploading some pictures...
done! Enjoy!
Happy Birthday Zechariah Joshua!
Hello All!
I'm uploading some pictures and videos right now... they should be ready for viewing momentarily! :o)
Things are fine here, though everyone has a bad cold. The kids are coughing a ton all night (Ruthie just started last night) and Josh has no voice! Interesting for the tv classes, I'm sure. I haven't gotten much yet, though I'm ready and waiting for it to hit me sometime soon.
Other than that, we're all doing well and just keeping busy.
My friend from Saskatoon was in Brandon and came over for a visit yesterday! All too short, but I know exactly what it's like to visit and have to see everyone in a short time. :o) Ruthie took some pictures, I'll have to see if I can get them uploaded from her camera online.
I'm uploading some pictures and videos right now... they should be ready for viewing momentarily! :o)
Things are fine here, though everyone has a bad cold. The kids are coughing a ton all night (Ruthie just started last night) and Josh has no voice! Interesting for the tv classes, I'm sure. I haven't gotten much yet, though I'm ready and waiting for it to hit me sometime soon.
Other than that, we're all doing well and just keeping busy.
My friend from Saskatoon was in Brandon and came over for a visit yesterday! All too short, but I know exactly what it's like to visit and have to see everyone in a short time. :o) Ruthie took some pictures, I'll have to see if I can get them uploaded from her camera online.
No big plans for today for us. The kids still have dance class tonight, it's Zech observation class! I'll be sure to get some sort of video to share with you all!
Josh has today off, back to work tomorrow, and back to "normal" for us.
Hope you all have a great thanksgiving - wish we were there to share turkey and stuffing with you!
Hello! - 10/03
I cannot BELIEVE that it's October all ready! It seems like just yesterday it was the end of school, now Josh has been back at work a month all ready. Wow!
We're busy, as always, getting here and there to all the kids' activities. Unfortunately swimming lessons were cancelled this past Saturday again (though another extra lesson will be added onto the end, so we won't really miss any). But we managed the weekend fine without any swimming! Hopefully things are back to normal with the pool and we'll be back to lessons this weekend. I know the kids miss it.
At dance class on Monday, Ruthie's class had their "observation day". So, Josh made the trek in after work to watch. She was very excited to see him there! Next week will be Zech's observation class, and since there's no school (thanksgiving) we'll all be able to go in together. I can't wait to get to watch Zechie!
We're all battling colds right now. Isaac, as usual, is the worst of all of us, and he's also got those last 3 teeth coming through, which I'm sure is adding to his misery. They're the same 3 teeth he was working on last month, but they took a break for a couple weeks. Now, they're back and definitely cutting through this time. He looks so different with so many teeth - such a big boy now!
Anyways, with the colds, we're having lots of coughing at night, which means a lot less sleep for all of us! Isaac is still in our bedroom, unfortunately, so we are laying awake the whole time he coughs. Of course, so is he, but at least we should sleep!
I'm not sure how moving the boys in together is going to work out. They're both quite poor sleepers, and I think they'll just wake each other up all the time. Of course, I thought Ruth and Zech would never work out, sharing a room, and they did great, so hopefully I'll be surprised. I think, all the same, we'll probably wait until Christmas break to try moving Isaac in - more time to work on things when Josh doesn't have to get up for work.
I just uploaded a few more pictures, and a video of Ruthie skipping at dance class - you sure can see a huge improvement there! Enjoy!
We're busy, as always, getting here and there to all the kids' activities. Unfortunately swimming lessons were cancelled this past Saturday again (though another extra lesson will be added onto the end, so we won't really miss any). But we managed the weekend fine without any swimming! Hopefully things are back to normal with the pool and we'll be back to lessons this weekend. I know the kids miss it.
At dance class on Monday, Ruthie's class had their "observation day". So, Josh made the trek in after work to watch. She was very excited to see him there! Next week will be Zech's observation class, and since there's no school (thanksgiving) we'll all be able to go in together. I can't wait to get to watch Zechie!
We're all battling colds right now. Isaac, as usual, is the worst of all of us, and he's also got those last 3 teeth coming through, which I'm sure is adding to his misery. They're the same 3 teeth he was working on last month, but they took a break for a couple weeks. Now, they're back and definitely cutting through this time. He looks so different with so many teeth - such a big boy now!
Anyways, with the colds, we're having lots of coughing at night, which means a lot less sleep for all of us! Isaac is still in our bedroom, unfortunately, so we are laying awake the whole time he coughs. Of course, so is he, but at least we should sleep!
I'm not sure how moving the boys in together is going to work out. They're both quite poor sleepers, and I think they'll just wake each other up all the time. Of course, I thought Ruth and Zech would never work out, sharing a room, and they did great, so hopefully I'll be surprised. I think, all the same, we'll probably wait until Christmas break to try moving Isaac in - more time to work on things when Josh doesn't have to get up for work.
I just uploaded a few more pictures, and a video of Ruthie skipping at dance class - you sure can see a huge improvement there! Enjoy!
another week - 09/24
I can hardly believe that it's nearly the end of September all ready! The kids are thinking ahead to Halloween right now, so in the next couple weeks we'll have to start getting some costumes geared up, I'm sure.
Last week went okay, all things considered. First we had to deal with the death of Jack, which we're all still a bit sad about. He's definitely missed in the house.
Then we found that the kitten had peed all over our bed. Of course, we figured this out when we went to bed, Thursday night, so all day Friday was spent (by me) washing bedding, comforters, and the mattress cover (many many times) and trying to get the smell out of the mattress. Didn't work that day. On Saturday we went into town for groceries and found some spray stuff specifically for getting rid of pet urine odors, so we got that and tried it. It seems to have worked. So far, I can't smell urine, though the mattress (and therefore the bedding) has a weird smell to it, but I am going to give it a bit of time for the spray stuff to completely go away, as it has a smell of its own.
Swimming lessons were cancelled on Saturday because of problems with the pool. We're all hoping things will be running smoothly for this coming Saturday. The kids were kind of sad about missing swimming, so we decided to take them to the 'Sportsplex' yesterday afternoon for swimming. We spent about 2 hours in the pool! The kids, of course, loved going on the water slide, and Ruthie even got the courage to jump off the diving board! After she did it the first time, she went again and again with no troubles.
And that's about it. We're starting another week, and I have lots of chores to catch up on, and the kids have dance class tonight!
Last week went okay, all things considered. First we had to deal with the death of Jack, which we're all still a bit sad about. He's definitely missed in the house.
Then we found that the kitten had peed all over our bed. Of course, we figured this out when we went to bed, Thursday night, so all day Friday was spent (by me) washing bedding, comforters, and the mattress cover (many many times) and trying to get the smell out of the mattress. Didn't work that day. On Saturday we went into town for groceries and found some spray stuff specifically for getting rid of pet urine odors, so we got that and tried it. It seems to have worked. So far, I can't smell urine, though the mattress (and therefore the bedding) has a weird smell to it, but I am going to give it a bit of time for the spray stuff to completely go away, as it has a smell of its own.
Swimming lessons were cancelled on Saturday because of problems with the pool. We're all hoping things will be running smoothly for this coming Saturday. The kids were kind of sad about missing swimming, so we decided to take them to the 'Sportsplex' yesterday afternoon for swimming. We spent about 2 hours in the pool! The kids, of course, loved going on the water slide, and Ruthie even got the courage to jump off the diving board! After she did it the first time, she went again and again with no troubles.
And that's about it. We're starting another week, and I have lots of chores to catch up on, and the kids have dance class tonight!
R. I. P. Jack - 09/17
Our cat, Jack, was hit by a car and killed. We haven't told the kids yet.
I am very sad, even though I know he was just a cat - yet he wasn't. He was Jack. My Jack.
I feel like it's my fault, because I let the kids get the kitten. I feel like I chased him off or something - I've never seen him that far away from the house before now.
He was a great cat, loving and gentle with the kids. He will be sadly missed.
I am very sad, even though I know he was just a cat - yet he wasn't. He was Jack. My Jack.
I feel like it's my fault, because I let the kids get the kitten. I feel like I chased him off or something - I've never seen him that far away from the house before now.
He was a great cat, loving and gentle with the kids. He will be sadly missed.
A quick hello - 09/16
Nothing really much to report.
The kids had their first swimming lessons yesterday, and, of course, had a blast! Ruthie did really well, I think having the time at the lake this summer really did her some good in the water! As with the dance class, I think she'll be a bit more challenged in this swimming class than the first time, which is a good thing! Oh, and we were able to switch her to the 2nd "floaters" class (starts at 11:20 instead of 10:40) - only a bit of difference, really, but it will make it much easier to get into town on time, and also will mean we have to wait less time at the YMCA. Isaac really is not happy about all the waiting he's having to do now, with the older 2 in things. I keep telling him his turn will come... eventually! :o)
We're still battling fleas here. I have NO idea how we're supposed to get rid of the things. At all. We can't afford to have an exterminator come, but that may be what it comes down to in the end. It's not so much having someone come that's the trouble, as it is the hotel bill (for us to be out of the house for a couple days) and we'd still need to have the animals all dealt with at the vet's ($$$$!!). I have no clue what we'll do next about these things. At all. Myles still has some, Daphne is COVERED. We bathed her Friday night and got a good 2 dozen off her. Last night we bathed her again, and held her in the water for a while, and got at least 3-4 dozen off her. It's just disgusting. I have no idea how Jack is doing, as I can't get a chance to check him over.
We're still not sure about keeping the kitten either. She's been doing all right with the litter box - she did go on our bed on Friday. I was NOT pleased. But yesterday she had no accidents. More importantly (to us) than the litter thing, though, is poor Jack. He's not taken to the kitten at all. He rarely comes in the house anymore, and usually just comes in and hears/sees her and wants to leave right away. He's definitely not the same cat he was before she came. Yesterday he even started to attack Josh and me. So, I'm not sure she'll be staying, if only for Jack's sake. I only hope that we haven't ruined him, that he'll go back to his normal self if she leaves.
The kids had their first swimming lessons yesterday, and, of course, had a blast! Ruthie did really well, I think having the time at the lake this summer really did her some good in the water! As with the dance class, I think she'll be a bit more challenged in this swimming class than the first time, which is a good thing! Oh, and we were able to switch her to the 2nd "floaters" class (starts at 11:20 instead of 10:40) - only a bit of difference, really, but it will make it much easier to get into town on time, and also will mean we have to wait less time at the YMCA. Isaac really is not happy about all the waiting he's having to do now, with the older 2 in things. I keep telling him his turn will come... eventually! :o)
We're still battling fleas here. I have NO idea how we're supposed to get rid of the things. At all. We can't afford to have an exterminator come, but that may be what it comes down to in the end. It's not so much having someone come that's the trouble, as it is the hotel bill (for us to be out of the house for a couple days) and we'd still need to have the animals all dealt with at the vet's ($$$$!!). I have no clue what we'll do next about these things. At all. Myles still has some, Daphne is COVERED. We bathed her Friday night and got a good 2 dozen off her. Last night we bathed her again, and held her in the water for a while, and got at least 3-4 dozen off her. It's just disgusting. I have no idea how Jack is doing, as I can't get a chance to check him over.
We're still not sure about keeping the kitten either. She's been doing all right with the litter box - she did go on our bed on Friday. I was NOT pleased. But yesterday she had no accidents. More importantly (to us) than the litter thing, though, is poor Jack. He's not taken to the kitten at all. He rarely comes in the house anymore, and usually just comes in and hears/sees her and wants to leave right away. He's definitely not the same cat he was before she came. Yesterday he even started to attack Josh and me. So, I'm not sure she'll be staying, if only for Jack's sake. I only hope that we haven't ruined him, that he'll go back to his normal self if she leaves.
Back in action! - 09/13
Well, we are definitely back to business this week!
Monday evening the kids had their first dance class of the year! Zech was a bit stand-off-ish at the beginning, he definitely noticed he was the only boy in his class, lots of other little girls, and he was a little shy. But, by the end of class he was playing and dancing with everyone, trying out everything the teachers were showing. He's excited to go again next week!
Ruthie will be challenged this year in her class - which is a good thing! She is, by quite a bit, the smallest in her class, and most likely the youngest as well. I could tell she was having a bit of trouble keeping up, but she was trying very hard, and that's what matters. She was SO happy that, when she got her sticker for class, her teacher told her she did a good job and the teacher could tell Ruthie was trying very hard. That made her feel much better about the class, I think. I do think it's good that she's being challenged, though. It's a much more serious dance class than the pre-school class is, not about playing games, but about dancing. And I think that's good for her, too. She will get a lot out of this year, I think. I can't wait to see her progress!
Oh, and they slept REALLY well that night! :o)
On Wednesday morning Ruthie started nursery school!!! She was so happy and excited, and so proud to be going to school. She couldn't care less that it's "just" nursery school, to her (maybe because it is to us?) it's school and a big deal! She did really well, had lots of fun (got to paint with "real" paints!) and is eager to go back next week!
Zech didn't do so well with her being gone, but I'm sure he'll adjust. He cried when we had to leave Ruthie at the school - he wanted to stay there with her very badly. But I talked about it with him and told him that this is Ruthie's time at school right now, and he'll have his turn (probably) next year. On the other hand, Ruthie cried when I went to pick her up!
And this morning was our first MOTS group of the year! I'm very glad to have this up and running again, it's such a nice break from the kids, to just be able to sit for a couple hours and drink a cup of coffee without having to wipe noses or take someone to the bathroom. The kids are tired again tonight (yay!).
Oh, and on Sunday (after bugging and bugging from my friend and our kids) we brought home a new kitten. Her name is Daphne. We're not completely sure she'll be staying (litter box issues) and Jack is NOT fond of her. At all. But she's a pretty nice little kitten.
Ruthie on her first day of nursery school!

Our new kitten, Daphne

Monday evening the kids had their first dance class of the year! Zech was a bit stand-off-ish at the beginning, he definitely noticed he was the only boy in his class, lots of other little girls, and he was a little shy. But, by the end of class he was playing and dancing with everyone, trying out everything the teachers were showing. He's excited to go again next week!
Ruthie will be challenged this year in her class - which is a good thing! She is, by quite a bit, the smallest in her class, and most likely the youngest as well. I could tell she was having a bit of trouble keeping up, but she was trying very hard, and that's what matters. She was SO happy that, when she got her sticker for class, her teacher told her she did a good job and the teacher could tell Ruthie was trying very hard. That made her feel much better about the class, I think. I do think it's good that she's being challenged, though. It's a much more serious dance class than the pre-school class is, not about playing games, but about dancing. And I think that's good for her, too. She will get a lot out of this year, I think. I can't wait to see her progress!
Oh, and they slept REALLY well that night! :o)
On Wednesday morning Ruthie started nursery school!!! She was so happy and excited, and so proud to be going to school. She couldn't care less that it's "just" nursery school, to her (maybe because it is to us?) it's school and a big deal! She did really well, had lots of fun (got to paint with "real" paints!) and is eager to go back next week!
Zech didn't do so well with her being gone, but I'm sure he'll adjust. He cried when we had to leave Ruthie at the school - he wanted to stay there with her very badly. But I talked about it with him and told him that this is Ruthie's time at school right now, and he'll have his turn (probably) next year. On the other hand, Ruthie cried when I went to pick her up!
And this morning was our first MOTS group of the year! I'm very glad to have this up and running again, it's such a nice break from the kids, to just be able to sit for a couple hours and drink a cup of coffee without having to wipe noses or take someone to the bathroom. The kids are tired again tonight (yay!).
Oh, and on Sunday (after bugging and bugging from my friend and our kids) we brought home a new kitten. Her name is Daphne. We're not completely sure she'll be staying (litter box issues) and Jack is NOT fond of her. At all. But she's a pretty nice little kitten.
Ruthie on her first day of nursery school!
Our new kitten, Daphne
Happy September! - 09/02
It is Sept. all ready. I can hardly believe it! We have had such a great summer, it's sad to see it gone by, but I know we'll have a lot of fun this fall, too.
We have been busy this past week - dance registration on Tuesday night, both kids are registered for class on Monday nights and have shoes, we're ready to go! It was very cute - when we first walked into the studio, Zech got really excited and kept saying "I can dance now! I can dance now!" I think he'll have fun in class.
On Wednesday night I went to a parent meeting for the nursery school where Ruthie will be going. We were planning on having her go Tuesdays and Thursdays, but ended up changing things around some. The teacher had decided to make another day (Wednesday) because of the number of kids. I tried to see about getting Ruthie in on Tuesday and Wednesday, but found out the teacher will be doing the exact same thing both days - the last thing we want is for Ruthie to find this boring! The trouble with Thursday is that every other week I have my MOTS group in town and so she'd have to miss school - fine and good, she'd be fine, but we still have to pay. It's not a TON of money, but adding it onto the cost of the trip into town and everything... well, it adds up. So, we decided to just have her go to school on Wednesdays, at least for now. If we want to, we can change it later in the year. I actually think this will be a bit better for her, as, with dance class on Monday nights, there's a chance we might be home later or something on Monday and now I won't have to wake her up early on Tuesday!
On Thursday we went to Souris with Jen and her kids. Went to the swinging bridge, went on the train car, and picnic'ed in a park right by a playground - the kids had FUN!
Now we're just enjoying our last couple days before Josh has to go back - which he does on the 4th, for meetings and such, and then the students return on the 5th. Things will really start rolling for us next weekend - swimming lessons start on the 8th!!
I just uploaded some more pictures, for anyone who wants to have a peek!
We have been busy this past week - dance registration on Tuesday night, both kids are registered for class on Monday nights and have shoes, we're ready to go! It was very cute - when we first walked into the studio, Zech got really excited and kept saying "I can dance now! I can dance now!" I think he'll have fun in class.
On Wednesday night I went to a parent meeting for the nursery school where Ruthie will be going. We were planning on having her go Tuesdays and Thursdays, but ended up changing things around some. The teacher had decided to make another day (Wednesday) because of the number of kids. I tried to see about getting Ruthie in on Tuesday and Wednesday, but found out the teacher will be doing the exact same thing both days - the last thing we want is for Ruthie to find this boring! The trouble with Thursday is that every other week I have my MOTS group in town and so she'd have to miss school - fine and good, she'd be fine, but we still have to pay. It's not a TON of money, but adding it onto the cost of the trip into town and everything... well, it adds up. So, we decided to just have her go to school on Wednesdays, at least for now. If we want to, we can change it later in the year. I actually think this will be a bit better for her, as, with dance class on Monday nights, there's a chance we might be home later or something on Monday and now I won't have to wake her up early on Tuesday!
On Thursday we went to Souris with Jen and her kids. Went to the swinging bridge, went on the train car, and picnic'ed in a park right by a playground - the kids had FUN!
Now we're just enjoying our last couple days before Josh has to go back - which he does on the 4th, for meetings and such, and then the students return on the 5th. Things will really start rolling for us next weekend - swimming lessons start on the 8th!!
I just uploaded some more pictures, for anyone who wants to have a peek!
I'll put a few favorites here...
Zech and Isaac saying "cheese!" :o)
Isaac looking up the ladder (on the train in souris)
Isaac wearing the conductor's hat! Cute kid, we think!
Ruthie and Zech on a bench (in souris). I LOVE this picture of them, only wish Isaac was in it too! But, still, it's going on the wall here!
Ruthie, Isaac, and Zech on the bench (Souris). This one is from now...
caterpillar itch?? - 08/26
Ever heard of it? I hadn't, before this morning.
Yesterday we were outside playing in the back yard. After a bit, Ruthie started complaining about her hands being really itchy. We looked at them, saw nothing. But she had been playing with caterpillars, holding them and carrying them around, so we figured it was hair from them or something. We washed her hands with the hose. That helped for a little while, but they started itching again.
This morning she was still complaining about them being itchy and I saw little bumps along the backs of her thumbs. Later, I found a red bumpy rash on the backs of her hands and on her lower arms.
Josh got online and started searching and found "caterpillar itch". Basically it's a rash, similar to poison oak or poison ivy, as a reaction to poisonous caterpillars.
New rule for outside? Look but do NOT touch the caterpillars!
Yesterday we were outside playing in the back yard. After a bit, Ruthie started complaining about her hands being really itchy. We looked at them, saw nothing. But she had been playing with caterpillars, holding them and carrying them around, so we figured it was hair from them or something. We washed her hands with the hose. That helped for a little while, but they started itching again.
This morning she was still complaining about them being itchy and I saw little bumps along the backs of her thumbs. Later, I found a red bumpy rash on the backs of her hands and on her lower arms.
Josh got online and started searching and found "caterpillar itch". Basically it's a rash, similar to poison oak or poison ivy, as a reaction to poisonous caterpillars.
New rule for outside? Look but do NOT touch the caterpillars!
another week gone - 08/25
We're almost to the end of our summer vacation. It has been a great summer, though, so we can't complain. Well, Josh can, I suppose, since he's the one who has to go back to work! I'm sad to see summer over, especially since it's all ready fall weather here and that scares me for winter! But I'm also excited to see fall come. I love to see the kids having fun and keeping busy, and can't wait to watch them in their dance classes! That is assuming that I am able to get them both in... I'm not too worried, but always a little!
I'm feeling much better now. Finished my antibiotics yesterday, and no thrush for Isaac or me! He seems to be very prone to thrush, so we've been watchful and giving him yogurt every day to help ward it off. So far, so good!
Speaking of Isaac, he's still working on a couple teeth. He now has the 4 front ones, both right side molars, and the top left molar. He's working on the top right eye tooth, top left eye tooth and molar. He's not too too fussy, though, just drooling tons (and getting a bit of a rash on his chin) and chewing things. But nothing too bad.
We bought him a new car seat the other day. He is still fitting in his infant carrier, but JUST barely. He has just one inch of plastic above his head, so technically he does still fit, but we'll just move him up to a convertible seat and not have to worry or watch him for growing! He's VERY happy about his new seat - we think he thinks it's a big kid seat? Not completely sure, but he definitely likes it and likes sitting in it. Yesterday he sat, buckled in, in it and watched TV and played with cars, right in the living room!
What's kinda funny to me is that he's the size, now, that Zech was at just 12 months, and that Ruthie was at 24 months! He should be right between them, sizewise, when they're grown.
Ruthie and Zech are getting more and more antsy. I was hoping things would settle down after being home a bit, but they just seem to be getting worse. Now I'm hoping that once fall comes, and they're busy with swimming and dancing, MOTS, preschool and church that they'll calm down some. I don't know if they'll have time left to be bad!
And I think that's it for now.
Oh, no wait, it's not!
When Myles was staying at the kennel (while we were visiting home) apparently he picked up some fleas. We hadn't seen them when we first came home, and bathed him before he even came in the house, but I think probably they laid eggs on him. (ICK!) Now those are hatching, and thus, we have fleas. :o/ I am NOT pleased. So far the only one being bothered by them is Myles, though Isaac had one on his head the other day. I haven't seen any bites on the kids, though. We bought some more 'flea and tick' drop stuff and treated the dog this week, I remember it took a couple days to really get through his system to get the ticks, so I imagine it will be similar for the fleas. I think we'll be getting some powder stuff to put on the carpets, and some flea collars to put in my vacuum bags! Hopefully that will take care of them.
AND, as if fleas weren't enough, because it's getting cooler all ready, we've got lovely mice friends coming to visit!!! Again, I am NOT pleased!! Last night we were sitting in the living room, and I saw a mouse out of the corner of my eye. The darn thing ran in from the kitchen, right along the register and behind the TV. I freaked out, but couldn't scream because the kids were all ready in bed. Josh got a trap and put it by the TV stand. He went downstairs to check all the traps down there (found one dead mouse under the bathroom sink and one under the stairs) and while he was down there the darn mouse came out and started licking the peanut butter off the trap! But he wouldn't get on it to set it off! Josh came back up and I told him what the thing was doing (meanwhile I'm in a ball on the couch, trying HARD not to scream). He got his pellet gun and ended up shooting the thing, right in the living room! Unfortunately, his first shot didn't kill the bugger, but it went behind the TV again. While Josh was off setting more traps, the thing came out from behind the TV and went under the couch! Josh came up, found it, and killed it. ICK! YUCK! GROSS!
I HATE things like this. HATE them.
And, of course, the cat wasn't even in the house then. We tried calling him, but he must have been too far away to hear us. And the dog is USELESS with mice.
This morning Josh found 2 mice in ONE trap, behind my washing machine!
This had better be it. We've surely hit our household quota on mice???
I'm feeling much better now. Finished my antibiotics yesterday, and no thrush for Isaac or me! He seems to be very prone to thrush, so we've been watchful and giving him yogurt every day to help ward it off. So far, so good!
Speaking of Isaac, he's still working on a couple teeth. He now has the 4 front ones, both right side molars, and the top left molar. He's working on the top right eye tooth, top left eye tooth and molar. He's not too too fussy, though, just drooling tons (and getting a bit of a rash on his chin) and chewing things. But nothing too bad.
We bought him a new car seat the other day. He is still fitting in his infant carrier, but JUST barely. He has just one inch of plastic above his head, so technically he does still fit, but we'll just move him up to a convertible seat and not have to worry or watch him for growing! He's VERY happy about his new seat - we think he thinks it's a big kid seat? Not completely sure, but he definitely likes it and likes sitting in it. Yesterday he sat, buckled in, in it and watched TV and played with cars, right in the living room!
What's kinda funny to me is that he's the size, now, that Zech was at just 12 months, and that Ruthie was at 24 months! He should be right between them, sizewise, when they're grown.
Ruthie and Zech are getting more and more antsy. I was hoping things would settle down after being home a bit, but they just seem to be getting worse. Now I'm hoping that once fall comes, and they're busy with swimming and dancing, MOTS, preschool and church that they'll calm down some. I don't know if they'll have time left to be bad!
And I think that's it for now.
Oh, no wait, it's not!
When Myles was staying at the kennel (while we were visiting home) apparently he picked up some fleas. We hadn't seen them when we first came home, and bathed him before he even came in the house, but I think probably they laid eggs on him. (ICK!) Now those are hatching, and thus, we have fleas. :o/ I am NOT pleased. So far the only one being bothered by them is Myles, though Isaac had one on his head the other day. I haven't seen any bites on the kids, though. We bought some more 'flea and tick' drop stuff and treated the dog this week, I remember it took a couple days to really get through his system to get the ticks, so I imagine it will be similar for the fleas. I think we'll be getting some powder stuff to put on the carpets, and some flea collars to put in my vacuum bags! Hopefully that will take care of them.
AND, as if fleas weren't enough, because it's getting cooler all ready, we've got lovely mice friends coming to visit!!! Again, I am NOT pleased!! Last night we were sitting in the living room, and I saw a mouse out of the corner of my eye. The darn thing ran in from the kitchen, right along the register and behind the TV. I freaked out, but couldn't scream because the kids were all ready in bed. Josh got a trap and put it by the TV stand. He went downstairs to check all the traps down there (found one dead mouse under the bathroom sink and one under the stairs) and while he was down there the darn mouse came out and started licking the peanut butter off the trap! But he wouldn't get on it to set it off! Josh came back up and I told him what the thing was doing (meanwhile I'm in a ball on the couch, trying HARD not to scream). He got his pellet gun and ended up shooting the thing, right in the living room! Unfortunately, his first shot didn't kill the bugger, but it went behind the TV again. While Josh was off setting more traps, the thing came out from behind the TV and went under the couch! Josh came up, found it, and killed it. ICK! YUCK! GROSS!
I HATE things like this. HATE them.
And, of course, the cat wasn't even in the house then. We tried calling him, but he must have been too far away to hear us. And the dog is USELESS with mice.
This morning Josh found 2 mice in ONE trap, behind my washing machine!
This had better be it. We've surely hit our household quota on mice???
just a quick update! - 08/18
I'm feeling MUCH better today. I was feeling nearly human again yesterday, but even more so today.
The kids are still fighting lots... hoping that will improve, if not before, once we get back into more of a routine in the fall.
Isaac is grumpy and whiny the past couple days, but he's cutting a bunch of teeth, so he's allowed, I suppose!
And that's it for now. I did put a few more pictures online last night... and the new dropshots site isn't as bad as I thought... I was looking at it a bit backwards, so it wasn't making sense!
The kids are still fighting lots... hoping that will improve, if not before, once we get back into more of a routine in the fall.
Isaac is grumpy and whiny the past couple days, but he's cutting a bunch of teeth, so he's allowed, I suppose!
And that's it for now. I did put a few more pictures online last night... and the new dropshots site isn't as bad as I thought... I was looking at it a bit backwards, so it wasn't making sense!
hi all - 08/16
Well, it sure has been an interesting week! The kids are slowly... very slowly... getting back into the swing of things here, without Nana and Papa to (spoil!) give them lots of love! The worst of it has been that Ruth and Zech are fighting much more than they ever did before. But I think that will improve as we get back into doing things next month and get seeing other kids more often.
We are sort of starting potty training with Zech. It's going slow, but we're also not pushing it much. We're just using pull ups for now, as they seem to be working for him, and encouraging him (with jelly beans) to keep the pull up dry. He still hasn't pooped in the toilet... something to do with pooping and fireworks and falling in the water??? But we're hoping to be able to kinda catch him and get him doing that. In the meantime, pull ups make cleaning that up much easier.
Isaac's working on a bunch of teeth. He's got 2 nearly all the way cut through on the top right, one on the top left, and his bottom molars are right there starting to come through too. Poor kid!He's fairly happy, though, just chewing and drooling up a storm!
I got the kids registered for fall swimming lessons again!! I'm very excited to see them go again, because of how much they enjoyed it last spring. I can't wait! We'll be going on Saturday again, because Zech still needs someone in the water with him, though next session he should be starting all by himself. I'm pretty sure (though I need to double check) that dance registration is at the end of this month. I'm really hoping to be able to get both Ruth and Zech into class, separately, which I think would have to be Monday or Tuesdays. I'm hoping it'll work because I know Ruthie definitely wants to go again, and I know Zech would love to be able to dance, too.
And, I've been sick with mastitis for... well, basically this whole week so far. :o/ Monday I had pain, but hoped that it was nothing. Tuesday I woke up in a lot of pain and feeling very sick. We went to the walk-in in town (our family Dr was on at walk-in! Lucky for me!), got a script for antibiotics. By the time I'd seen the Dr, I was done. I laid in the van while Josh got the meds and we headed for home. I think I slept most of the way home. Slept most of the rest of the day, was up for an hour or so in the evening, back to bed for the night. I had to take 2 advil every 4 hours that day, and yesterday as well. Yesterday I was still tired and sore, but was able to get up late in the morning and sit on the couch. Still couldn't really walk around or do anything, but I was at least out in the living room with everyone. This morning I'm up, feeling much better, haven't even taken any advil yet! Hopefully I'm over the worst of it.
And that's about it for us for now!
We are sort of starting potty training with Zech. It's going slow, but we're also not pushing it much. We're just using pull ups for now, as they seem to be working for him, and encouraging him (with jelly beans) to keep the pull up dry. He still hasn't pooped in the toilet... something to do with pooping and fireworks and falling in the water??? But we're hoping to be able to kinda catch him and get him doing that. In the meantime, pull ups make cleaning that up much easier.
Isaac's working on a bunch of teeth. He's got 2 nearly all the way cut through on the top right, one on the top left, and his bottom molars are right there starting to come through too. Poor kid!He's fairly happy, though, just chewing and drooling up a storm!
I got the kids registered for fall swimming lessons again!! I'm very excited to see them go again, because of how much they enjoyed it last spring. I can't wait! We'll be going on Saturday again, because Zech still needs someone in the water with him, though next session he should be starting all by himself. I'm pretty sure (though I need to double check) that dance registration is at the end of this month. I'm really hoping to be able to get both Ruth and Zech into class, separately, which I think would have to be Monday or Tuesdays. I'm hoping it'll work because I know Ruthie definitely wants to go again, and I know Zech would love to be able to dance, too.
And, I've been sick with mastitis for... well, basically this whole week so far. :o/ Monday I had pain, but hoped that it was nothing. Tuesday I woke up in a lot of pain and feeling very sick. We went to the walk-in in town (our family Dr was on at walk-in! Lucky for me!), got a script for antibiotics. By the time I'd seen the Dr, I was done. I laid in the van while Josh got the meds and we headed for home. I think I slept most of the way home. Slept most of the rest of the day, was up for an hour or so in the evening, back to bed for the night. I had to take 2 advil every 4 hours that day, and yesterday as well. Yesterday I was still tired and sore, but was able to get up late in the morning and sit on the couch. Still couldn't really walk around or do anything, but I was at least out in the living room with everyone. This morning I'm up, feeling much better, haven't even taken any advil yet! Hopefully I'm over the worst of it.
And that's about it for us for now!
He's back! - 08/09
Jack Cat came back this afternoon! Zech was outside playing and ran inside with Jack, happy as anything to see his cat. :o) We are happy, everyone is home, safe and sound!
pictures! - 08/09
I got the pictures uploaded last night, all done and captioned, ready to share!
I just realized, how silly of us, that we didn't take any videos while we were home! What were we thinking??! Oh well, there are TONS of pictures... TONS! Enjoy!
Just a brief overview of the visit home, since I was too tired the other day...
We drove to Winnipeg on the 18th and stayed overnight in a motel. Not in a great part of town, but it was cheaper than most, and it actually had a great waterslide and pool area! We got to the airport fine, with lots of time to spare, the next morning and finally boarded the plane. From Winnipeg to Toronto, Zech watched a movie and played with his cars, Ruthie played her Leapster game and Isaac just sat and played and talked with me. We had NO time to spare in Toronto, so we had to rush off the plane, to the right gate, and onto the next plane! From there to Halifax, Ruthie did stickers, Zech watched a movie and played the Leapster a bit, and Isaac slept! The excitement got a bit too much for them about 5 minutes before we landed and there were meltdowns, but only for a few minutes and then we were there!
We stayed at Mom and Dad's house Friday, just getting adjusted a bit. On Saturday we packed up and headed for the lake. Sunday, family all came out and we had a BBQ with everyone. That was nice! We stayed at the lake all that week, just playing and swimming.
The following Sunday we drove to (near) Digby and stayed a couple nights at the Mountain Gap Inn. Mom's boss's wife owns the Inn and he gave us the rooms as a gift! (Thanks again, Dr. Peter!!!) We went to Upper Clement's Park on Monday and had a great time there, too! The kids had fun on the rides (there's lots of pictures of that on the site)!!
We went back to Mom and Dad's on Tuesday, then out to the lake again on Wednesday and pretty much stayed there until Sunday evening. On our way to Mom and Dad's we stopped at Christine's for a visit. She fed us supper (yum) and gave the kids all a ride on Katelyn's horse! They really loved that!!! We made a stop at the Oaklawn Farm Zoo after that for a little bit, the kid's favorite was the monkies, I think.
The next day we got up and ready to fly back to MB. The kids were okay on the way back - Ruthie was sad the whole way to Montreal, but Zech played and Isaac played with the diaper bag. We actually had a bit of time in Montreal, and (thankfully!) we arrived only a couple gates over from our next flight. We got to the next gate and had a snack before we had to get on to the plane. From Montreal to Winnipeg, Ruthie played the Leapster, Zech watched a couple shows and then slept, and Isaac slept pretty much the entire way! Very nice break for us!!!
We stayed in Winnipeg that night, picked up the van the next morning and, after a bit of shopping, we came home. The van, by the by, is all fixed with a new tire, and we didn't have to pay the deductible.
We picked up Myles on the way home - he had a good time at the "kennel" (really a farm, and besides, he stayed in the house with their family the whole time!), but I think he was happy to see us, too. We haven't seen Jack since we got home, but the guy that came to feed the cat said he's seen Jack around, and saw him at the house last time he came over. So, he's around town somewhere.
Zech was on his way to the garage and just popped the door open to yell "Mom! I just saw Jack! He came back!!" So, I guess he's definitely around. :o) I'm not surprised if he's found another "home", but I think he'll come back to see Myles, if nothing else! If he doesn't come back for good, though, we'll probably have to grab another kitten from the farm, to take care of the mice around here.
That's it for now! I'll be back more as usual now.
I just realized, how silly of us, that we didn't take any videos while we were home! What were we thinking??! Oh well, there are TONS of pictures... TONS! Enjoy!
Just a brief overview of the visit home, since I was too tired the other day...
We drove to Winnipeg on the 18th and stayed overnight in a motel. Not in a great part of town, but it was cheaper than most, and it actually had a great waterslide and pool area! We got to the airport fine, with lots of time to spare, the next morning and finally boarded the plane. From Winnipeg to Toronto, Zech watched a movie and played with his cars, Ruthie played her Leapster game and Isaac just sat and played and talked with me. We had NO time to spare in Toronto, so we had to rush off the plane, to the right gate, and onto the next plane! From there to Halifax, Ruthie did stickers, Zech watched a movie and played the Leapster a bit, and Isaac slept! The excitement got a bit too much for them about 5 minutes before we landed and there were meltdowns, but only for a few minutes and then we were there!
We stayed at Mom and Dad's house Friday, just getting adjusted a bit. On Saturday we packed up and headed for the lake. Sunday, family all came out and we had a BBQ with everyone. That was nice! We stayed at the lake all that week, just playing and swimming.
The following Sunday we drove to (near) Digby and stayed a couple nights at the Mountain Gap Inn. Mom's boss's wife owns the Inn and he gave us the rooms as a gift! (Thanks again, Dr. Peter!!!) We went to Upper Clement's Park on Monday and had a great time there, too! The kids had fun on the rides (there's lots of pictures of that on the site)!!
We went back to Mom and Dad's on Tuesday, then out to the lake again on Wednesday and pretty much stayed there until Sunday evening. On our way to Mom and Dad's we stopped at Christine's for a visit. She fed us supper (yum) and gave the kids all a ride on Katelyn's horse! They really loved that!!! We made a stop at the Oaklawn Farm Zoo after that for a little bit, the kid's favorite was the monkies, I think.
The next day we got up and ready to fly back to MB. The kids were okay on the way back - Ruthie was sad the whole way to Montreal, but Zech played and Isaac played with the diaper bag. We actually had a bit of time in Montreal, and (thankfully!) we arrived only a couple gates over from our next flight. We got to the next gate and had a snack before we had to get on to the plane. From Montreal to Winnipeg, Ruthie played the Leapster, Zech watched a couple shows and then slept, and Isaac slept pretty much the entire way! Very nice break for us!!!
We stayed in Winnipeg that night, picked up the van the next morning and, after a bit of shopping, we came home. The van, by the by, is all fixed with a new tire, and we didn't have to pay the deductible.
We picked up Myles on the way home - he had a good time at the "kennel" (really a farm, and besides, he stayed in the house with their family the whole time!), but I think he was happy to see us, too. We haven't seen Jack since we got home, but the guy that came to feed the cat said he's seen Jack around, and saw him at the house last time he came over. So, he's around town somewhere.
Zech was on his way to the garage and just popped the door open to yell "Mom! I just saw Jack! He came back!!" So, I guess he's definitely around. :o) I'm not surprised if he's found another "home", but I think he'll come back to see Myles, if nothing else! If he doesn't come back for good, though, we'll probably have to grab another kitten from the farm, to take care of the mice around here.
That's it for now! I'll be back more as usual now.
we're home! - 08/07
We are home in MB, safe and sound. We flew in yesterday and drove home today.
Everything was good on both flights, the kids were much better than we expected! Our van is fixed and all is well there. And the time at home was awesome! I always love seeing the kids with their grandparents, it's amazing to see how different they are with the different interactions.
And right now I'm really tired out, so that's about it for me. I'm going to try to get more pictures uploaded tomorrow, though no promises (we need to go into town for groceries), but definitely by the end of the week.
Everything was good on both flights, the kids were much better than we expected! Our van is fixed and all is well there. And the time at home was awesome! I always love seeing the kids with their grandparents, it's amazing to see how different they are with the different interactions.
And right now I'm really tired out, so that's about it for me. I'm going to try to get more pictures uploaded tomorrow, though no promises (we need to go into town for groceries), but definitely by the end of the week.
we're off! - 07/17
Well, tomorrow morning, first thing... we're off!
We'll go to Winnipeg tomorrow and stay there overnight. Thursday morning we'll be flying for Nova Scotia!
The kids are excited, as are we. I can't wait to see my family!
We'll go to Winnipeg tomorrow and stay there overnight. Thursday morning we'll be flying for Nova Scotia!
The kids are excited, as are we. I can't wait to see my family!
3 MORE SLEEPS!!! - 07/16
We will be in NS in 3 more sleeps!!!
The kids are VERY excited, bouncing off the walls with energy. Heck, Josh and I aren't much better. Tomorrow we'll be very busy finishing up a few house chores to leave things fine for when we come back, packing, and still taking care of the kids. I think tomorrow will be a lot of movies and going to the garage or outside to play all they want!
Tonight Josh and I did our boating safety course tests. We both passed with 100%... though, I'll admit, I technically had 2 questions wrong, but the guy let me try them again and I got them right. Stupid sailing boats - all I need to know is, when I'm on the Jet Ski and meet a sailing vessel, I give way. DONE! Ah well, it's done now. One step closer to NS!!
Zech's still doing fine, just excited. My stomach is still bothering me, but the IBS meds are helping, so I'll keep taking that.
And that's about it for now. I'll be able to update here from my parents' house. I hope to be able to pop in tomorrow to say "bye!". And Josh is going to try to take the camera's picture program and put it on Mom and Dad's computer, then I can update pictures too.
The kids are VERY excited, bouncing off the walls with energy. Heck, Josh and I aren't much better. Tomorrow we'll be very busy finishing up a few house chores to leave things fine for when we come back, packing, and still taking care of the kids. I think tomorrow will be a lot of movies and going to the garage or outside to play all they want!
Tonight Josh and I did our boating safety course tests. We both passed with 100%... though, I'll admit, I technically had 2 questions wrong, but the guy let me try them again and I got them right. Stupid sailing boats - all I need to know is, when I'm on the Jet Ski and meet a sailing vessel, I give way. DONE! Ah well, it's done now. One step closer to NS!!
Zech's still doing fine, just excited. My stomach is still bothering me, but the IBS meds are helping, so I'll keep taking that.
And that's about it for now. I'll be able to update here from my parents' house. I hope to be able to pop in tomorrow to say "bye!". And Josh is going to try to take the camera's picture program and put it on Mom and Dad's computer, then I can update pictures too.
update - 07/16
Sorry I didn't update sooner!!!
Zech is doing just fine now. He had the gravol, vomited a couple more times, then got really hyper and hungry! (future reference, gravol does NOT knock this kid out!) He's been fine and normal since then.
I woke up last night (about 3am) with a really sore stomach. I'm not sure if it's the bug Zech had, or if it's my IBS acting up because of all the stress right now. I just took a pill for the IBS, so hopefully that's it and it'll start feeling better.
Other than that, we're hoping to get into town to get the boating course test written today - providing my stomach will let me get up and going here. We need to pick up treats, gum, snacks, and water for on the planes, and then we're ready to pack tomorrow!!
Zech is doing just fine now. He had the gravol, vomited a couple more times, then got really hyper and hungry! (future reference, gravol does NOT knock this kid out!) He's been fine and normal since then.
I woke up last night (about 3am) with a really sore stomach. I'm not sure if it's the bug Zech had, or if it's my IBS acting up because of all the stress right now. I just took a pill for the IBS, so hopefully that's it and it'll start feeling better.
Other than that, we're hoping to get into town to get the boating course test written today - providing my stomach will let me get up and going here. We need to pick up treats, gum, snacks, and water for on the planes, and then we're ready to pack tomorrow!!
uh oh - 07/14
We may have a problem here...
Zech woke up at 6:20am and told me "I made a mess" meaning, he was throwing up. I woke Josh and we got Zech changed and cleaned up and his bedding changed. It seemed to be mostly water, which makes sense cuz he wouldn't eat supper last night. I'm wondering now if this is why. And he was more tired and cranky yesterday than usual.
He's vomited twice more since then, every half hour. Just with sips of water. This last time I got him cleaned up and gave him a dose of Gravol before tucking him back in. I'm hoping that'll help him rest long enough for his tummy to settle so he can get some food in and keep it down.
I'm hoping, too, that this isn't something that will pass around through the whole house. If it does, we won't be all well for flying this week. :o/
Zech woke up at 6:20am and told me "I made a mess" meaning, he was throwing up. I woke Josh and we got Zech changed and cleaned up and his bedding changed. It seemed to be mostly water, which makes sense cuz he wouldn't eat supper last night. I'm wondering now if this is why. And he was more tired and cranky yesterday than usual.
He's vomited twice more since then, every half hour. Just with sips of water. This last time I got him cleaned up and gave him a dose of Gravol before tucking him back in. I'm hoping that'll help him rest long enough for his tummy to settle so he can get some food in and keep it down.
I'm hoping, too, that this isn't something that will pass around through the whole house. If it does, we won't be all well for flying this week. :o/
Ruthie's hair cut!!! - 07/12
Ruthie has been on us since I had my hair cut, saying that she wants hers cut, too - it's too hot, too long, she doesn't like it in ponytails - the list went on and on. So, today we had the chance to get it done. I took her in to the same girl who cut my hair, and Ruthie got the whole thing - wash, cut, blow dry and style. :o) Such a big girl!!
This is before the cut:
getting her hair washed...
during the cut...
here she is!!

There are a couple more pictures on the other site (one of her hair before the cut from the back, you can really see how long it is! and one of her whole outfit after the cut, just cuz it's a cute outfit!) I can't get them on here quickly, though, so I'll leave you to find them over there!
There are a couple more pictures on the other site (one of her hair before the cut from the back, you can really see how long it is! and one of her whole outfit after the cut, just cuz it's a cute outfit!) I can't get them on here quickly, though, so I'll leave you to find them over there!
home again... for a few days - 07/11
We had a great time this weekend!! Thursday morning we headed out for Yorkton, SK. First we had to drop Myles off at the same place he'll be staying when we fly to NS - he made out great there, btw - loved the other animals, loved the owner's little grandson, and slept with their daughter at night!!
We had a nice time at the exhibition. There was an awesome aquatic centre there with a nice pool and a big water slide. Zech swam for a while, and then ran himself ragged going up the stairs and down the slide over and over. I really can't believe how much this kid LOVES water slides!! He's going to be so much fun at Magic Mountain!!!! I was pleasantly surprised that Ruthie and Zech fell asleep within about 15 minutes of laying down, especially since they were in their own tent! They did great, though. Paul did well racing, too. :o)
Friday, late afternoon, we took off for Saskatoon. It was SO hot that day, well over 30 degrees. I ended up with a bad sunburn, and I think I got sick a bit from it - I was feeling quite bad Friday night and Saturday morning, anyways.
We had a really nice visit with Shelen and Mat in Saskatoon. I met Shelen online on a forum I've posted at for quite some time now. We went down to Minot, ND, to meet in January this year. We stayed with them Friday and Saturday nights. Didn't know it until we got there that Shel's friends and family had planned a surprise baby shower for her on Saturday afternoon - it was a nice surprise to me, too, to be able to be there and share that with her! I felt so "at home" with Shel and Mat - I guess posting and "talking" to someone nearly every day will do that to people!! It was really nice. We'll definitely be meeting up more, even if it's just a weekend trip to Regina every couple months or something. Her husband is really nice, Josh and he seem to get along quite well. Kaitlyn, their daughter, is SO cute and she loved having Ruth and Zech to play with - she wanted to show Ruthie her room right after we walked in the door! And their brand new baby, Ian Mathew, is GORGEOUS!!! I got some cuddle time in with him and even Ruthie got to hold him!
The drive home on Sunday took us a good while. We didn't really rush the kids at all, and I had wanted to stop at a children's clothing store there, which we did. By the time we'd had lunch, stopped at a couple stores, and got out of Saskatoon it was just after 6pm (our time). We stopped in Regina for supper and then had a heck of a time (and wasted a good 45 minutes) getting to a gas station! Then we headed for home. We FINALLY arrived here at about 2:30am!
It was really tiring, we're just really starting to feel normal and caught up today, but it was worth it. The kids were much happier to be home and able to sleep in their own beds, I think.
So, now just a few days home and we'll be off again, first to Winnipeg for a night, then flying out on the 19th! We're working right now on getting some stuff done we need to do before we leave. We'll definitely be busy until we're in the air!
There are pictures from the weekend on the other site. :o)
We had a nice time at the exhibition. There was an awesome aquatic centre there with a nice pool and a big water slide. Zech swam for a while, and then ran himself ragged going up the stairs and down the slide over and over. I really can't believe how much this kid LOVES water slides!! He's going to be so much fun at Magic Mountain!!!! I was pleasantly surprised that Ruthie and Zech fell asleep within about 15 minutes of laying down, especially since they were in their own tent! They did great, though. Paul did well racing, too. :o)
Friday, late afternoon, we took off for Saskatoon. It was SO hot that day, well over 30 degrees. I ended up with a bad sunburn, and I think I got sick a bit from it - I was feeling quite bad Friday night and Saturday morning, anyways.
We had a really nice visit with Shelen and Mat in Saskatoon. I met Shelen online on a forum I've posted at for quite some time now. We went down to Minot, ND, to meet in January this year. We stayed with them Friday and Saturday nights. Didn't know it until we got there that Shel's friends and family had planned a surprise baby shower for her on Saturday afternoon - it was a nice surprise to me, too, to be able to be there and share that with her! I felt so "at home" with Shel and Mat - I guess posting and "talking" to someone nearly every day will do that to people!! It was really nice. We'll definitely be meeting up more, even if it's just a weekend trip to Regina every couple months or something. Her husband is really nice, Josh and he seem to get along quite well. Kaitlyn, their daughter, is SO cute and she loved having Ruth and Zech to play with - she wanted to show Ruthie her room right after we walked in the door! And their brand new baby, Ian Mathew, is GORGEOUS!!! I got some cuddle time in with him and even Ruthie got to hold him!
The drive home on Sunday took us a good while. We didn't really rush the kids at all, and I had wanted to stop at a children's clothing store there, which we did. By the time we'd had lunch, stopped at a couple stores, and got out of Saskatoon it was just after 6pm (our time). We stopped in Regina for supper and then had a heck of a time (and wasted a good 45 minutes) getting to a gas station! Then we headed for home. We FINALLY arrived here at about 2:30am!
It was really tiring, we're just really starting to feel normal and caught up today, but it was worth it. The kids were much happier to be home and able to sleep in their own beds, I think.
So, now just a few days home and we'll be off again, first to Winnipeg for a night, then flying out on the 19th! We're working right now on getting some stuff done we need to do before we leave. We'll definitely be busy until we're in the air!
There are pictures from the weekend on the other site. :o)
busy busy busy!!! - 07/04
We definitely are!
Josh had his very last day of work on Friday, and it was only a half day, at that! We're enjoying the summer break, though it hasn't really been much "break" thus far, just some summer!
We were in town Friday evening and got hit by (as it turned out) one of Josh's students. Nothing major, noone hurt, we're all fine. There is some damage to the front passenger side of the van, and the door squawks something terrible when opened, but we're going to have that assessed by Insurance next week. In the meantime, it's driving just fine.
We're hoping to be able to get it fixed by some place in Winnipeg while we're away in NS. We should be able to do it that way and get free parking! :o) Sneaky, we are!
Josh had his very last day of work on Friday, and it was only a half day, at that! We're enjoying the summer break, though it hasn't really been much "break" thus far, just some summer!
We were in town Friday evening and got hit by (as it turned out) one of Josh's students. Nothing major, noone hurt, we're all fine. There is some damage to the front passenger side of the van, and the door squawks something terrible when opened, but we're going to have that assessed by Insurance next week. In the meantime, it's driving just fine.
We're hoping to be able to get it fixed by some place in Winnipeg while we're away in NS. We should be able to do it that way and get free parking! :o) Sneaky, we are!
We stopped by the walk-in clinic to have Zech and myself seen for a second. Zech's been having more tummy pain, and we needed more Zantac for him anyways, so we got a new Rx and upped his doses a bit. Hopefully that will help. If not, we'll have to get him checked out more andmaybe try something different for him. I just needed to get a lab req for some bloodwork. I was having some bleeding troubles on Friday and Saturday and thought I should get my platelet and iron levels checked out. I realized (tsk tsk on me) that I haven't had my platelets checked in... probably nearly a year now... and should be getting them checked probably every couple months. So, I need to stay more on top of that, I think.
We haven't stopped since then, though. Saturday we had to come into town for groceries. And Saturday was my birthday, too! 25 years old! Josh bbq'ed me some steak, veggies, and potatoes after the kids went to bed and got me an ice cream cake. He also bought me this really pretty ring,
We haven't stopped since then, though. Saturday we had to come into town for groceries. And Saturday was my birthday, too! 25 years old! Josh bbq'ed me some steak, veggies, and potatoes after the kids went to bed and got me an ice cream cake. He also bought me this really pretty ring,

Thanks, by the by, to everyone for the birthday cards! :o) Can't wait to be home to thank you all in person!
Sunday night we went in to Brandon to watch the fireworks. Isaac really loved them! Very late night getting home though.
Monday we had to come in to Brandon again for Brett and Jeff's birthday party. They had it at a hotel and the kids had a BLAST swimming and going on the water slide. Zech was paddling around and jumping in with JUST his water wings on, and he and Lukey went on the water slide (ALONE!!) over and over and over and over... and over!!!! They were adorable! Aside from a few minutes to eat pizza and cake, Zech was in the pool or on the slide from about 4-9:30. He was TIRED after that! I think he'll have a great time at Magic Mountain this summer, though! Yay!! Can't wait for him to be able to show Nana and Papa how well he's doing, he'll be so proud!
Tuesday, again, we had to go into Brandon. I was too late on Friday to make it to the labs and then they were closed all long weekend. Got that done, then had to run a few little errands and pick up a couple things for camping.
Today, we're home and bumming around. I'm working on finishing up a couple computer things and getting laundry done and packed for the weekend! We're on the go again tomorrow morning! We're off, first, to drop Myles at the kennel we found near here (the same one he'll stay at when we fly to NS) and then we'll make a stop in Brandon to pick up a few groceries, then it's on to Yorkton, SK. Jen and Paul and the kids are all up there at a rodeo, and they want us to come too, so we're going to go up tomorrow and camp there tomorrow night. Apparently (I've seen pictures!) there's a really great water centre there with a wave pool, so we'll have fun swimming again.
Friday we'll leave Yorkton and continue on up to Saskatoon. I know a girl online (met her down in Minot a few months back) from Saskatoon and we're going to go up and stay with Shelen and Mat for the weekend. We'll be back here sometime (probably later) Sunday night!
*I'll be sure to remember to call Dad on Saturday, from Shel's - it's his birthday!*
Then there's nothing much planned (thank goodness!) until we leave for Winnipeg on the 18th to stay and fly out on the 19th! :D
So, I'll post when I get a chance, and I'm sure I'll have more pictures to share. :o)
My hair cut! - 06/27
I finally gave in and got my hair cut. I was trying to grow it long enough to be able to donate it (to Locks of Love) when I got it cut, but it was to the point where it was giving me headaches and making my neck sore. It's just too thick and heavy for me.
So, I just got it cut last night! Here are the before and after pictures!

We are OKAY! - 06/25
Well, I had my first taste of tornadoes on Saturday night! NOT all that much fun, in case anyone was wondering!
A storm rolled in just after suppertime, but we didn't think much of it - storms roll in quite frequently these past couple months out here. Then the hail started and Josh came to check the weather network online. He found out there'd been tornadoes 70km west of us around 8pm. So, we were on the lookout! At 9pm the wind was strong enough to pull the locked front door open, and a few minutes later the power went out. We decided it was about time to head downstairs, so we grabbed the kids and a couple flashlights and came down to lay on the spare bed and just wait. Around 9:35 things died down outside and at 9:50 we decided to get the kids back into bed. Just after 10pm another storm rolled in, but only a good one with thunder and lightening and rain - no tornadoes.
The first storm, though, brought with it the 2 tornadoes from the west. They both struck just south of our house, about 5 minutes down the road. Had we been outside in the back yard, we could have watched them go by.
Noone was hurt, a couple houses were hit, but no major damage to them. The worst damages were to sheds, silos, trees, and power lines. We drove down yesterday, to just drive around and see what happened. I've never seen the aftermath of anything except forest fires before - let me tell you, this sure left me thankful those hand't hit our house.
That was definitely the big news of the weekend for us! Our power was knocked out for about 12 hours, another 1.5 hours or so until we got water back, but we're fine and the groceries were all saved.
Saturday morning the kids had their last swim lessons for the summer. They both passed their levels, so will be "moving up" in the fall. Zech will need one more time accompanied (Josh or I) and then he'll be on his own. *sigh* Just in time for Isaac to start! :o) Zech is doing so great. I know I've said that many times before, but it's so true. This is the same little boy who would scream and shake just to see a swimming pool. On Saturday he was sliding into the pool, bobbing up, and swimming to the side again "all by myself!" (with a noodle, but still). He's so proud of himself. Considering they both had such a good time, and we think swim lessons are important, I'm pretty sure we'll continue them next year. I think we'll do the fall and spring sessions, leaving winter off. Kinda unpredictable weather in the winter, plus it's just REALLY cold!
This is Josh's very last week of work before summer break! It's dragging on and on, I know because it's the end. He has no students now, though, so he's using this week to do a ton of prep work for next year. That will save him a lot of hassle this summer, especially where we'll be gone for 3 weeks.
Speaking of that, we are excited to be coming home! The kids are very happy to be going to Nana and Papa's and want to go fishing in the boat. :o) There's a ton of things we still need to figure out and make calls about, but I know it will all be worth it when we're landed and done. Next year, though, we hope to be able to camp our way for visiting, which would take longer, sure, but be much less stressful in the long run, I think.
And I think that's about it!
A storm rolled in just after suppertime, but we didn't think much of it - storms roll in quite frequently these past couple months out here. Then the hail started and Josh came to check the weather network online. He found out there'd been tornadoes 70km west of us around 8pm. So, we were on the lookout! At 9pm the wind was strong enough to pull the locked front door open, and a few minutes later the power went out. We decided it was about time to head downstairs, so we grabbed the kids and a couple flashlights and came down to lay on the spare bed and just wait. Around 9:35 things died down outside and at 9:50 we decided to get the kids back into bed. Just after 10pm another storm rolled in, but only a good one with thunder and lightening and rain - no tornadoes.
The first storm, though, brought with it the 2 tornadoes from the west. They both struck just south of our house, about 5 minutes down the road. Had we been outside in the back yard, we could have watched them go by.
Noone was hurt, a couple houses were hit, but no major damage to them. The worst damages were to sheds, silos, trees, and power lines. We drove down yesterday, to just drive around and see what happened. I've never seen the aftermath of anything except forest fires before - let me tell you, this sure left me thankful those hand't hit our house.
That was definitely the big news of the weekend for us! Our power was knocked out for about 12 hours, another 1.5 hours or so until we got water back, but we're fine and the groceries were all saved.
Saturday morning the kids had their last swim lessons for the summer. They both passed their levels, so will be "moving up" in the fall. Zech will need one more time accompanied (Josh or I) and then he'll be on his own. *sigh* Just in time for Isaac to start! :o) Zech is doing so great. I know I've said that many times before, but it's so true. This is the same little boy who would scream and shake just to see a swimming pool. On Saturday he was sliding into the pool, bobbing up, and swimming to the side again "all by myself!" (with a noodle, but still). He's so proud of himself. Considering they both had such a good time, and we think swim lessons are important, I'm pretty sure we'll continue them next year. I think we'll do the fall and spring sessions, leaving winter off. Kinda unpredictable weather in the winter, plus it's just REALLY cold!
This is Josh's very last week of work before summer break! It's dragging on and on, I know because it's the end. He has no students now, though, so he's using this week to do a ton of prep work for next year. That will save him a lot of hassle this summer, especially where we'll be gone for 3 weeks.
Speaking of that, we are excited to be coming home! The kids are very happy to be going to Nana and Papa's and want to go fishing in the boat. :o) There's a ton of things we still need to figure out and make calls about, but I know it will all be worth it when we're landed and done. Next year, though, we hope to be able to camp our way for visiting, which would take longer, sure, but be much less stressful in the long run, I think.
And I think that's about it!
quick hello - 06/14
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!!!
We've been busy this past weekend. Saturday was the normal swimming lessons and grocery shopping. The kids are doing so well in swim lessons, it's great to see! Zech was even holding on to the wide of the pool and dunking himself under water, over and over. He thought it was funny to go down and stand on the bottom of the pool!! This is just amazing from the little boy who shook and cried at the sight of a pool before. :o)
We went to the fair on Sunday, with Jen and Paul and their kids. Lots of fun!!
I'm uploading some more pictures and a couple more videos right now! Check them out, and enjoy!!
We've been busy this past weekend. Saturday was the normal swimming lessons and grocery shopping. The kids are doing so well in swim lessons, it's great to see! Zech was even holding on to the wide of the pool and dunking himself under water, over and over. He thought it was funny to go down and stand on the bottom of the pool!! This is just amazing from the little boy who shook and cried at the sight of a pool before. :o)
We went to the fair on Sunday, with Jen and Paul and their kids. Lots of fun!!
I'm uploading some more pictures and a couple more videos right now! Check them out, and enjoy!!
We're all better! - 05/31
Zech's arm is looking all better and normal now. Redness and swelling was completely gone yesterday morning when he got up. We haven't given him any Benedryl since Tuesday and things look good. Thank goodness it's all right and was so easily handled!
We're all busy otherwise! We had a few days rest, though always busy around the house, and Josh and I had dentist appts this morning in town. Everything looks good - no cavities for either of us! Yay!!
We're all busy otherwise! We had a few days rest, though always busy around the house, and Josh and I had dentist appts this morning in town. Everything looks good - no cavities for either of us! Yay!!
Zech's arm today - 05/29
Zech's arm is looking much better today - the redness is completely gone, and the only swelling is very slight and just in a small area on his upper arm. I have not given him any Benadryl yet today, but I think I will give his 2 (instead of 3) doses today, just to get that last little bit of swelling down, and then we'll not give anything tomorrow and see how he does.

5 days after dptp + hib - 05/28
Zech's arm is looking tons better today. The redness is completely gone, and there's only a little bit of swelling in his upper arm. I will give him the Benadryl thru today, and I'm hoping the swelling may be completely gone tomorrow morning so we can stop the antihistamine, as well.
4 days after dptp+hib - 05/27
Zech's arm is looking much better today. The swelling and redness is only now on his upper arm, and the redness is only very slight. I think we will use the steroid cream just this morning, maybe once again tonight, and then stop that. We will continue to give him Benadryl 3x a day until the swelling is completely gone everywhere.
On a side-note; Ruthie's dance recital is this afternoon! She is very excited about it. We are all going to watch, not sure how much I'll get to sit and watch with the boys there, but I did take her to the dress rehersal on Friday and saw the performances. I will make sure to get Josh to take a video of her 2 performances and will post them tonight or tomorrow.
3 days after dptp + hib - 05/26
Zech's arm is responding well to the Benadryl 3x daily and the steroid cream 2x daily. The swelling is slowly coming down. This morning his hand and wrist were still well, and the swelling was going down above his wrist as well. You can see that a bit in the pictures.
His upper arm is still very swollen and red, but the swelling has come down some from the top of his shoulder.
A bruise is showing where the needle was actual given.

His upper arm is still very swollen and red, but the swelling has come down some from the top of his shoulder.
A bruise is showing where the needle was actual given.
zech'a arm today - 05/25
The swelling is still gone down in his hand, and now has gone down in his wrist as well.
I was not able to get another dose of benadryl into him last night, but gave him one as soon as he woke up this morning. I hope to get 3 doses in today.
His upper arm is still red, swollen, hot, and hard, spreading down past his elbow still. But the redness hasn't spread any overnight.
We applied the steroid cream last night after bathtime, and I just applied it after taking these pictures.
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