
9 MONTHS! - 02/19

Isaac Benjamin is 9 months old today!
I really can't believe how fast this time is flying by. I thought things went fast Ruthie's first year, but it seems to go by faster and faster with each baby. Sad, but fun all at the same time.
It's amazing to see how much he's grown and changed these past 9 months. He's now saying "dada" and "mum-mum", he can sit alone, roll around, and can "caterpillar" crawl. He's such a great little boy - happy, content, always with smiles and laughs for everyone, and special kisses for mum-mum.
I must admit to a mistake in my last post. I had called the Dr office this morning and everything got cleared up - well, almost everything. We're still waiting on the dosage to be agreed on, but for now Zech will take the minimum dose of it twice a day. Hopefully it'll help his owie tummy.
And for my mistake - I'd gotten confused when I saw "ranitidine" instead of "zantac" on the Rx. But, ranitidine is zantac! Oops! So, it was the right thing after all. After thinking a while, I realize that I confused "ranitidine" with "reglan". Reglan is the one Zech reacted to as an infant.
So, no harm, no foul. It's all being figured out.

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