I cannot believe it is all ready the end of Feb. It seems like just yesterday it was Christmas, and now we're only 10 months away from another holiday season!
Everything is going well here. Josh is back to school today, Zech seems to be fine (ears wise) and the Zantac seems to be doing the trick for his stomach. No more "owie belly" since we started it! If that's all it takes for him to feel better, it's certainly a small inconvenience well worth it!
Ruthie is nearly done her medication for her ears. And she seems to be doing much better. No more clumsiness, so we're thinking it was all her ears.
Isaac has been doing a bit better today. Much less fussy, though I still see him rubbing his ears some. I'm really hoping it's just something he's doing to calm himself or something, and not his ears still bothering him. I know getting tubes isn't that big a deal, overall, but I really would rather not have to deal with it. He's still only got that one lone tooth in there - it's SO cute that we don't care if he never gets any more! :o)
And, that's about it for now from us. Jack Cat goes to the vet tomorrow to get "fixed". It'll be strange to not have him around for a whole day and night!
Oh, and before I go - I uploaded a few more pictures and also a new video to the dropshots site. The video is Ruthie's class at the music festival! I apologize for having to sit SO far away from the stage. it's kinda hard to see who's who, but I tried to go along the video and describe where Ruthie is.
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