The kids carved punkins (Isaac calls them) Wednesday before Halloween. They loved seeing them lit up! I lit them up in the house Thurs evening for them. For Halloween, since we weren't home, I put them outside but with glowsticks inside to light them - worked out okay, much safer at any rate!
For trick or treating on Halloween night, we went in to our friends' house in town, as we have since our second Halloween here! The kids love to go around together.
Here they are all dressed up - Ruthie was Tinkerbell, Zech was Batman (Isaac kept calling him batPan), and Isaac was Pablo the Penguin (from backyardigans).
I walked with Isaac most of the time out, which was fine. At one point he said "I love you, Mama." I said "I love you too, Isaac." He was quiet for a second, then said "I love you too Pablo?" I laughed, said "I love you Pablo." "I love you too Mama." he said back, happy.
He really is too funny.
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