The kids posed on some pumpkins for a picture...
then we went to see some animals. The piglet LOVED Ruthie!
Jen took this family picture of us!! We're sitting on top of the hay bale pyramid!
Then we asked some random guy (well, not completely random, as he had 2 big cameras of his own there) to some picture of all of us up there!
I'm holding Zech, Josh is standing with Isaac, Brett, Ruthie, Grace is sitting with Paul, Jeff, and Luke is sitting with Jen!
Then we went to the big john deere trikes - we'd played a bunch on them before Jen and Paul got there and we kept coming back - the kids loved them!
Jen (or Josh) took this great shot of Luke and Zech. Yup, they have the exact same coat - total coincidence. They're such good buddies! It's very cute to see them together.
Jen (or Josh) took this great shot of Luke and Zech. Yup, they have the exact same coat - total coincidence. They're such good buddies! It's very cute to see them together.
Isaac rode on Josh's shoulders nearly the whole time, he was getting tired. I LOVE this shot Jen got of them!!
All in all, a great time had by all, despite the chilly wind. Zech had a really great time, a happy day for him - and that's what really mattered most about it!
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