Well, a little like Christmas anyways. This week I finally got our Christmas decorations set up around the house - lights in the window, lights outside. We still need to get the tree set up, and Zech's not going to let us forget! Every morning he asks if we can put it up that night. Usually I have everything up by now, but we wanted to wait until after Ruth's party - less to watch out for with the extra kids!
Speaking of her party, I must get some pictures up from it. It went well, I think. She was very happy with it, which is kinda what matters most. We had invited all of Kindergarten and Grade 1 (not as many kids as it sounds, there're 12 kids in total in the 2 grades, including Ruthie. So, we invited 11 kids and 8 showed up - pretty good turn out, I'd say! The kids all seemed very excited to come, too. The movie set up worked great, they had popcorn and pop and watched the movie - for the first 50 minutes they didn't make a peep! Then we had the cake and opened presents, then parents started arriving. It worked rather well. And, like I say, Ruth was very happy with it!
Oh, and it worked out pretty good for gifts, too. She got way more presents than she ever needed, of course, but there's no real big things and she will play with it all. So that's okay, too.
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