
almost there! - 07/17

Well, we've been counting down to Saturday, when my parents arrive, and we're nearly there! The next couple days will go by really quickly, too, I'm sure. Josh will be photographing a wedding with our friend, Jenn, and the rehearsal is tonight, so he'll be just running to the dump this morning (I hope) and then heading for Winnipeg shortly after lunch. I have a ton of housework to get done, laundry to get done, and packing to do. The kids and I are going to Winnipeg tomorrow, probably right after lunch as well (hope to have them nap or rest the whole drive). We'll meet Josh and play and swim at the hotel. On Saturday, we're still not sure if Josh is free to come to the airport or not, but the kids and I will be there, no matter what! We're all very excited!
Ruthie had her EEG done on Tuesday. She did very well, though she was nervous. I'm sure it felt weird to have all those things on her head, but she really did great and listened very well during the test - the tech had her close and open her eyes when he asked, take deep breaths for a while, and watch a flashing light. We haven't heard anything yet, but will definitely let everyone know when we do.
And, since I've been telling Ruthie she could, and because I wanted my parents to see it (!!), I took her to a friend's house yesterday and got her hair cut and colored. It's chin-length, with bangs (very cute!), and PINK! Not all, but you definitely see it! I'll post pictures after my parents come, cuz I don't want to ruin the surprise!
And that's about it for now. Very busy, but very excited!

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