
winter fair - 3.29

The kids are on spring break this week. We've done a lot of nothing so far, lazing around the house and playing - not a bad thing.
We spent yesterday at the winter fair in town, though. The kids had a good time; they all chose to save their allowance this month to take to the fair and buy something. In case you're wondering - Ruth bought a pink cowgirl hat (she's been wanting one for years), Zech bought a cowboy gun that shoots suction cup arrows, and Isaac bought a cowboys & indians toy set. All are being well used/worn and enjoyed. Levi did not buy something - he didn't seem to mind - but he loved all the tractors and animals (especially the horses and baby goats)!
A good day was had by all.
Oh, and at the evening show they had Acrobazia as special guests - amazing! Just wow.

There's no more major plans for the week. Isaac has been wanting to go to the movies ( just him and one of us) for months and months now, so Josh took him to see a matinee this afternoon - Suess' 'The Lorax'. Isaac really liked it, though he said the sad part was very sad and made a tear come in his eye. Sweet boy.
That's about the extent of our big spring break plans. Ruth does want to see if a friend can come over tomorrow for a sleepover - we'll see how that works out. And it's back to school for them on Monday. Although, really it's not much for back to school - back Monday to Thursday, Good Friday is a day off, then Monday and Tuesday are both PD days (days off). Another 5 day break!

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