
Ice Show

So, I had this post all made, saved it... and then forgot about posting it! So, it's old, the ice show was a couple months ago, but still worth sharing!

Our town had the annual Ice Show for the skating lesson kids a few weeks ago. This year only Ruth and Levi did actual lessons, so they are the only 2 in the show. The boys did mini-sticks (not-so-serious-hockey) and had a great time, but it's not part of the show. And I never thought to get videos of them playing. Because I'm busy running after Piper at the rink. But they did really good,had fun, played 2 games, lost the away game and won the home game.
(And, in the spirit of forgetting things, I remembered the video camera but not my camera. So I have the kids' routines, but the only photos of them are from my phone. I swear, I used to be able to think and remember things.)
Ruthie did great, as usual for her. She really enjoys figure skating and learning new footwork and jumps. Levi, though, came SO far this year!! He was on skates once last year, never got up and going. This year he started all over again, started out not being able to stand without holding someone's hands and certainly no moving alone. Now look at him!!
Levi's group (i tried to get him in the center of the shot most of the time, hopefully you can find him!)

Ruth's group

Ruth's solo

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