
more sickness - 02/06

My friend, Jen, called me yesterday to let me know that Gracie is in the hospital right now with RSV. She wanted me to know to watch Isaac for signs of it. Since he's been sick with coughing, runny nose, spitting up mucous, not breathing well laying down... and other stuff, we decided to take him to the clinic and have him checked out - better safe than sorry.
Well, he's not got RSV, but he does have an ear infection! Apparently they are contagious in our family?!! So now Zech and Isaac are both on meds for their ears. And the colds all seem to be on the mend, I hope!
I shouldn't really say he doesn't have RSV for sure. I'm kinda unsure because of how the Dr handled that part of it. When I mentioned the RSV (and probably because I had next to no voice yesterday) she said "Do you smoke?" Obviously, no, I don't. Then "Who smokes in your house?" Nobody. "Does he go to a day care where there's smoking?" No. And, for the record, I would NEVER let any of my kids go to any type of care where there was smoking... anyways. Then she checked him out and everything, but didn't say anything more about RSV. She did listen to his chest, though, and told me to give him Dimetapp at night to help him breathe laying down.
So, I'm still gonna watch him for any more signs of RSV. I have a feeling that he does actually have it, and the worst of it was a few nights ago when he ended up sleeping sitting up in his car seat, still gasping and choking every 30 minutes, but I'll keep watching for anything more.
I do get that smoking increases the risk of breathing troubles for babies, but I don't think that just because he's not around smokers means he can't have RSV. Gracie isn't around any smokers either.
Anyways, that's it for now! I'll update when there's something new to know!

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