

Just one month ago was Boxing Day, hard to believe!
It's -30 yet again today. Windchill is only -44, school's don't close until windchill hits -45. And, no. One degree is not close enough. So, bundled up we get, and out to the car (Josh was getting a ride with the girl from Brandon he carpools with). The car is in the garage now, always. And it was plugged in last night. But the darn thing wouldn't start. Wouldn't even roll over.
Tell kids to get back in the porch (it's a touch warmer in there, though not much) and figure I should at least try the van before calling the school (since the school is just up the road, I can call and just ask for someone to run over and pick Ruthie up).
Now, the van has been sitting outside. In the cold. All night. And not plugged in. At all. I turn the key and it rolled over. HARD. But then the darn thing kicked in and started. Could NOT believe it! I have a big grudge against Josh's car now. I know it hates cold, but it's still gotta start!

Anyway, Ruth is back in school, they've been skating a lot this month, and besides that she's doing skating lessons twice a week - she's getting pretty fast! Have you seen her videos on dropshots? Tons of improvement from last year!
Yesterday she surprised me a bunch, said she has a loose tooth. Now, she has been saying this for a couple years, wanting to get a loose tooth to be "bigger", but never had anything. I called her over to show me, thinking it was nothing. Especially since there was nothing amiss when I last helped her brush her teeth (Friday, Josh helped her Saturday and didn't mention anything). But I'll be darned! Her front bottom right tooth is really loose. Very loose. I don't it will last very long in there! So, big realization yet again that our little girl is growing up.

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