
01/25 (ii)

Since Friday things have been up-and-down. We have had a couple really hard days, a couple okay days, and a couple days of being numb, in shock, I think. This is not what anyone expects going in for that ultrasound appt. But it is our reality, our new life now.
Obviously we have been talking with the kids about the baby, letting them know things as we do. They need to be prepared too.
This week they have been able to go to school. I think they're having good days. As normal as we can make things as we adjust. It's been rough on Josh and I to have to be apart. We need to be together for this, to get through this. His boss (principal) had all ready been in contact with the union and division right away after Josh talked to him last week, getting things prepared for Josh to take leave. I am so thankful that he is being understanding in this. Yesterday we picked up a note for him, for the leave. We are trying to make it through this week - it's exam week for his kids and will be the end of the semester, it makes for better transition timing for them - then he will start his medical/stress leave and we will go from there.
We are continuing to pray (constantly) for our little girl. We covet your prayers.

(editing to add)
I forgot to mention it above, but we have another appt with fetal assessment in the city on Feb 3rd. We'll be getting more ultrasounds to check on baby, and we'll also be doing an amniocentesis to get a full look at her chromosomes. It is scary to think about (so I'm trying not to) but will be the best way to know what we're dealing with.

And, Josh texted me from school this morning, about 9:30, saying that he was on his way home. Apparently the Dr had put "starting tomorrow" in his note (dated yesterday). Not a big deal, just means we don't have to make it through this week apart.

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